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Releases: walles/px

Special handling for the Dart language binary

09 May 14:39
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If you're doing Dart or Flutter development, then this release is for you!

3.6.1: Unindent cumulative CPU tree one notch

18 Apr 04:48
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This is not fully correct, but since PID 1 has only one parent, indenting PID 1 and its children doesn't add much information.

It does however use up space on screen, so let's just not do that. I think this looks better.

3.6.0: `ptop`: Add a tree mode

28 Mar 06:39
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With this release, if you press m (change sort order) twice, you will get to see the process tree. The tree is sorted by aggregated CPU usage.

Requested here:

3.5.8: Handle paths with multiple spaces in them

11 Mar 06:07
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Like Visual Studio for example.

3.5.3: Improve Java command line parsing

28 Feb 19:10
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With this release we now handle classpath entries containing multiple spaces, like when classes / .jar files reside under /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA

Improve handling of spaces in the command line

24 Feb 09:22
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Notably this should help us parse Java command lines better when there are spaces in the classpath.

3.5.1: Fix automatic HomeBrew publishing

05 Nov 11:21
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No user visible changes in this release.

3.5.0: Parse AWS CLI command lines

05 Nov 11:14
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Include command and subcommand in the output: "aws s3 sync" for example.

Before this release that would only have rendered as "aws".

This release also removes the dependency on python-dateutil, making the
binary much smaller.

3.4.1: pxtree: Properly handle no-matches

29 Oct 11:30
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If you supply pxtree with a search pattern and there are no matches,
just print a message to that effect and list no processes.

3.4.0: Add a "pxtree" binary

02 Oct 20:05
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It lists running processes in a tree, and supports a search parameter
just like px and ptop.

Also, for px, this release improves the default sort order: