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identifying and plotting an meQTL

Vince Carey edited this page Dec 29, 2016 · 1 revision

This chunk illustrates use of MultiAssayExperiment to combine local methylation and remote VCF to find and visualize an meQTL

library(MultiAssayExperiment) # need resolved
library(ldblock) # get stack from cloud
st = stack1kg()
library(yriMulti) # get 450k data on YRI
library(erma)  # have a look at gene address for  fig 3 of
genemodel("HLA-DQB1") #
genome(banovichSE) = "b37" # the publication uses b36 (quietly) but we won't
seqlevelsStyle(banovichSE) = "NCBI"
ee = ExperimentList(list(meth=banovichSE, snp=st))
mee = MultiAssayExperiment(ee, pData=colData(banovichSE))
foc = subsetByRow(mee, rowRanges(banovichSE)["cg04793911"]) # one locus
assoc = cisAssoc( experiments(foc)[["meth"]],
   TabixFile( files(experiments(foc)[["snp"]] ) ) )
eqBox2( "cg04793911", experiments(foc)[["meth"]],
  TabixFile( files(experiments(foc)[["snp"]] ) ),
  assoc[ which.max(assoc$chisq) ] )