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Fix for Issue 41 and 42 from Vitam

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@fredericBregier fredericBregier released this 30 Sep 13:25

Fix for Issue #41 and #42 of Vitam

This version of Waarp-Vitam is compatible with Vitam 2.15.3 and 3.6.0.

This is a short fix for Change Behavior from Vitam client side. It should not get any issue for Waarp-Vitam users but we follow this issue with Vitam Team.

See ProgrammeVitam/vitam#41
and ProgrammeVitam/vitam#42

Note that this module is compiled against Java 8, thus allowing anyone to use it with Java 8, 9, 10, 11 and follow, so with Vitam 2.15 and Vitam 3.0.

Vitam jar are not include in the all dependencies jar anymore to counter-act the Java 11 issue from Vitam side, letting final users to choose between Java 8 and above and V2 of Vitam OR Java 11 and above and V3 of Vitam.

However we work with Vitam team to get a Waarp version available for both versions 2 and 3. Note that the "all jar" versions does not include any more the Vitam jar, in order to allow you to use either v2.15.3 or v3.0.1 and following versions.

You therefore need to ass the following jars with the Waarp-Vitam library:

Common Jar for both V2 and V3 versions of Vitam

Vitam jars:
* fr.gouv.vitam:ingest-external-client
* fr.gouv.vitam:common-public-client
* fr.gouv.vitam:ingest-external-api
* fr.gouv.vitam:access-external-client
* fr.gouv.vitam:common-public
* fr.gouv.vitam:common-http-interface
* fr.gouv.vitam:access-external-api
* fr.gouv.vitam:common-database-public

Specific to V2 version of Vitam

Vitam jars:
* fr.gouv.vitam:access-external-common:jar:2.15.3
* fr.gouv.vitam:logbook-common-client:jar:2.15.3
* fr.gouv.vitam:logbook-common:jar:2.15.3

Other jars: Those jars are included by default, even if Vitam V3 does not need them (no issue).
* com.github.fge:json-schema-validator:jar:2.2.6
* com.googlecode.libphonenumber:libphonenumber:jar:6.2
* com.github.fge:json-schema-core:jar:1.2.5
* com.github.fge:uri-template:jar:0.9
* org.mozilla:rhino:jar:1.7R4
* javax.mail:mailapi:jar:1.4.3
* net.sf.jopt-simple:jopt-simple:jar:4.6