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test suite for DID resolver

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This repository runs API tests for the following endpoints:


Running test suite locally

To install Cypress and dependencies (first time):

npm i -g cypress
cypress install
npm i

To run the test only without creating reports:

cypress run

To run the test and create the reports:

npm run test

npm run test executes all test specs in the cypress/integration/ folder, it creates test results and stores those test results in the cypress/reports folder. npm run test executes both npm run cypress:run and npm run posttest in order to do so. npm run cypress:run runs Cypress tests to completion. By default, cypress run will run all tests headlessly. By executing npm run posttest, reports for each single spec are created and combined. The single reports for each spec are stored in cypress/reports/mocha. The combined report, including all specs, can be found in cypress/reports/mochareports which is stored as both a .json file and an .html file. In addition to these command, clean:reports is run each time npm run test is executed. This command deletes all previous results and reports from the cypress/reports directory before new reports are created.

Test different endpoints

All specs are run with endpoint: by default. Other endpoints can be tested by passing in endpoint in the ENDPOINT environment variable in the command line:


Run single specs

A single spec can also be executed with the following command:

SPEC=<<path_to_spec>> npm test

E.g. to run the resolver spec:

SPEC=cypress/integration/user/resolver_spec_old.js npm test

In order to run a group of tests:

SPEC=cypress/integration/user/* npm test

to run all specs in the user folder and:

SPEC=cypress/integration/admin/* npm test

to run all tests in the admin folder.

Run specific tests

To run the test-suite with a custom set of tests in a CI env, it's advised to edit the env section in the config file for cypress.

Tests can also be switched off and on by the usage of environment variables. By default, all tests and all specs are run. In order to run a subset of all tests, the environment variables of specific tests have to be switched off. This can be done by setting the environment variable to false.

Note: This environment variables are not supported by npm test but can be used with cypress

See below for a list of environment variables:

"TEST_200"              runs a test with a normal DID
"TEST_200_JLD"          runs a test with a normal DID including a header
"TEST_200_CBOR"         runs a test with a normal DID containing CBOR DID document
"TEST_200_F"            runs a test with a DID with a fragment
"TEST_406"              runs a test with an unsupported DID
"TEST_410"              runs a test with a deactivated DID
"TEST_404"              runs a test with a DID that is not found
"TEST_400"              runs a test with an invalid DID
"TEST_200_RP"           runs a test with a DID containing a relative parameter  
"TEST_200_TK"           runs a test with a DID containing a transformKey                 
"TEST_200_DURL"         runs a test with a DID containing a dereference a DID URL*
"TEST_200_DRURL"        runs a test with a DID containing a dereference a DID URL**

*: containing the following header: Accept: application/json

**: containing the following header: Accept: application/ld+json;profile="

E.g. to skip the first test:

npx cypress run -- --env TEST_200=false

Where to find the test reports

The results will be stored in a local folder /cypress/reports/mocha. Test results in this folder contain the result of each spec in a json format. A merged or combined result of all specs can be found in the local folder /cypress/reports/mochareports. A combined result is stored in both a json file and an HTML file._


test suite for DID resolver






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