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Releases: vsilaev/tascalate-instrument

Tascalate Instrument 1.5.0

19 Apr 10:37
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Update build tools and use ASM(X) 9.7.0 to support Java 23

Tascalate Instrument 1.4.0

23 Nov 18:02
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Make a dependency to jdk.attach fully optional so in Java 9+ the code may run with both JDK and JRE; fix issues with non-explicit library names in JNA scenario; update dependencies and docs.

Tascalate Instrument 1.3.3

14 Sep 10:41
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Fix issue with SafeNativeAgentLoader that leads to linkage error when running with JRE

Tascalate Instrument 1.3.2

23 May 16:03
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Fix SLF4J dependency version (that prevents usage with older SLF4J versions in subprojects)

Tascalate Instrument 1.3.1

22 May 18:35
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  • Update dependencies to the newest tascalate-asmx 9.5.0 (ObjectWeb ASM 9.5.0)
  • Allow chained lambda transformers in Java 9+

Tascalate Instrument 1.3.0

12 Jan 12:28
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Ported reusable classes from Tascalate JavaFlow and [Tascalate Async/Await] as a separate net.tascalate.instument.agent artifact

Tascalate Instrument 1.2.0

11 Dec 09:53
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  1. PortableClassFileTransformer API is refactored to postpone creation of the ClassEmitter till necessary (while in real-life a lot of classes just skipped by transformer after analysis, especially boot classes).
  2. ClassEmitters API is refactored to hide confusing methods that accepts both classOrModule and classLoader - it could confuse library usage with the fact that only one class loader (either from the class/module OR specified separately is used)
  3. ModuleClassEmitter does not hold strong references to MethodHandles.Lookup to let class unloading work normally

Tascalate Instrument 1.1.1

09 Dec 09:09
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Fix issue with multi-versioned emitter artifact - now no references necessary during compilation to the *.emitter9

Tascalate Instrument 1.1.0

30 Aug 09:17
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New simplified API for ClassEmitters / ClassEmitter (no intermediate usage of ClassEmitters.Factory)

Tascalate Instrument 1.0.1

27 Jul 15:00
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API enhancements (read className / packageName from bytecode, recursively call nested ClassFileTransformer in portable manner)