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Victor Porton edited this page Mar 13, 2020 · 18 revisions

Live demo

Reward Courts is an Ethereum blockchain ("crypto") project allowing anybody to create a "court" that could reward anybody other (or himself) with an arbitrary amount of crypto.

The purpose of the project is to reduce world monetary injustice in its various kinds: The courts are intended to give money to someone who has less money than he should.

Users of crypto choose currencies of which of courts they use, so courts making bad decisions would be demoted and making good decisions would become influential.

Read more about the idea and some of its applications.

It is expected that successful courts follow some principles ("laws"). Which laws the courts should follow? Victor Porton thinks we should not try to limit the choice of laws for different courts (because we can't anyway and it's better not to resist irresistible), but to from the beginning of the project create several different courts that judge based on different laws:

  • give money accordingly to supposed importance of their future use
  • give money accordingly how much a certain person or organization already accomplished
  • give money accordingly on the degree of injustice to a certain person or organization in the past
    • either give money accordingly to the absolute harm: if one beats a beggar and a billionaire they receive the same compensation
    • either give more compensation to the same kind of harm to richer persons to preserve the relative quantity of the harm
  • give money in such a way to spread them equally between different recepients

Also, we should create alternative courts or alternative tokens that would give money either to the leader personally or to his organization if he or she leads an organization

Some particular projects:

  • Reward of open source products and ideas
  • Give crypto for everybody in the world
  • Money to poor countries
  • Anti-war funds
  • Money to advertise/SEO good sites/pages, support journalism (in a wide sense), PRs
  • Money to school/colleges, especially nonprofit ones, and to students
  • Disaster recovery funds
  • Reward for donations
  • Victims
  • Rewarding actions protecting the environment (such as against climate change)
  • Compensation to persons who accidentally burned their money.

Work already done and to be done:

  • The software (except of intercourt transfers) is already created, but needs more testing. (More features to be added.)
  • Finally we need to announce and advertise the project and hire judges.


See FIXME and TODO comments in the source.
