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Beatnik: a Discord music bot

Run your own modern and simple Discord music bot with easy-to-use native slash commands.


  • Fully utilizes simple to understand Discord slash commands
  • Robust music queue management (add, remove, skip, shuffle, etc.)
  • Save URLs so you can queue them easily later
  • Configurable cache to improve performance of frequently queued content
  • Status updates with current Swatch Internet Time so you can sync up your raids
  • Prioritizes Opus-encoded streams from services to increase performance
  • Supported music sources:
    • YouTube
  • Easy setup
    • No service API keys required
    • No database processes to maintain, just a single database file
    • Run with Docker or natively with Node.js
  • Fully text-based two-player Othello gameplay, using Discord message embeds in any channel


Beatnik is designed to be operated yourself, so there's a few things to set up first. Before you do anything though, you'll need to set up an application and bot on the Discord developer portal. Make sure to have this page handy because you'll need some info soon.


If you are familiar at all with Docker, this is the fastest way to get Beatnik up and running. The latest Docker image is at nickseman/beatnik:latest - or you can build it yourself after checking out the code.

Beatnik is able to run on using resources available within their Free Allowances.

Make sure to configure the Docker container's environment according to the Environment section below, and ensure the paths for database and cache are properly bound to persistent storage.

Skip down to Invite to see what's next.


  1. Clone this repository somewhere locally. You'll need Node.js 18 or later installed along with pnpm ideally.
  2. Run pnpm install to install all the dependencies.
  3. Make sure ffmpeg is installed on your OS. The command above won't install it, and it's required for Beatnik to play audio.
  4. Set up your .env file by creating .env in the same directory, and filling out the fields as described below in Environment.
  5. Run pnpm start and you're up and running. Skip down to Invite to see what's next.


Whether you're using Docker or Node.js, you'll need to configure the environment variables with a few things from the bot application you created earlier on the Discord developer portal.

Variable Value Example
TOKEN Your Discord bot's token. Required. xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyyy
CLIENT_ID Your Discord bot's client ID. Required. 00000000000
MAX_CACHE_SIZE_IN_MB How much space in megabytes that the cache can expand to. Set this value to 0 to disable caching entirely. 128
DATABASE_PATH A valid path that Beatnik can use to create a SQLite file. In advance, run touch beatnik.sqlite to make sure the file exists. If you're using Docker, bind this example path to your persistent storage, and don't change the ENV variable. /usr/beatnik/beatnik.sqlite
CACHE_PATH A valid directory that Beatnik can use to save its cache. If you're using Docker, bind this example path to your persistent storage, and don't change the ENV variable. Not required if MAX_CACHE_SIZE_IN_MB is set to 0. /usr/beatnik/beatnik-cache


Check out the Discord developer portal > OAuth2 > URL Generator to create an invite link. Make sure the bot and application.commands scopes are set, and Connect and Speak are enabled in the bot permissions under Voice. Also, once Beatnik is invited, ensure it gets assigned a role that lets it post messages in at least one text channel. Now Playing embeds and other messages are posted in the channel where the command was called.


You need to be a server administrator to install Beatnik. Type /install in any text channel the bot can see, and the commands will now be available.

Usage and commands

Beatnik uses Discord slash commands. You can just type / in your text channel, and then click the Beatnik icon to see all the commands. Or you can read this.

Command Description Options
/play [query] Plays a URL, or searches for a text query and plays the first result. end will add the track to the end of the queue, instead of the beginning. shuffle will shuffle a playlist link as it gets added. end, shuffle
/stop Stops music, clears the queue, and removes Beatnik from the voice channel.
/skip [track?] Skips the current playing track in the queue. Use the track option to skip to a specific track.
/shuffle Shuffles all the tracks in the queue and starts playing from the top.
/queue [page?] Lists the current queue and currently playing track. Specify a page to see the rest of the queue.
/save [name] [url] Gives a name to a URL so you can load it into the queue easily later.
/load [name] Loads a saved URL with name into the queue. The same options as /play apply here. end, shuffle
/list Lists all saved URLs in the guild.
/remove queue [track] Removes a track from the queue.
/remove saved [name] Removes a saved URL with name from the guild.
/install Installs Beatnik commmands to your guild. Admins only.
/uninstall Removes Beatnik commands from your guild. Admins only.

Othello commands

Beatnik includes a text-based version of Othello.

Command Description
/othello-start [player 1] [player 2] Starts the game with the two users you specify. If any of the players are in an active game, it will be removed.
/move [coordinates] Makes your player's move using the grid coordinates. Example: /move c4
/pass Passes your turn to the next player. Used if there are no available moves.
/rules Shows basic rules and usage for commands.