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VoiceIt 2 Android SDK travisstatus jitpack MIT

A fully comprehensive SDK that gives you access to VoiceIt's API 2.0 featuring Voice + Face Verification and Identification right in your Android app.

UI Screenshots

The following show Voice Verification, Face Verification (With liveness detection on) and Video Verification (with Liveness turned off), respectively.

Getting Started

Contact us at to get started with an account to use API 2.0.

API Key and Token


SDK Version

The minumum Android SDK version (API level) should be set to 17 in your build.gradle file:

minSdkVersion: 17

API Key and Token

Contact us at to get started with an account to use API 2.0.

Voiceprint Phrases

Make sure you review your Voiceprint Phrases by navigating to Dashboard in order to know what to pass for voicePrintPhrase parameter.


Make sure your project has the useAndroidX and enableJetifier flags as true: Navigate to the of your project and add the following:



VoiceItApi2AndroidSDK is available through JitPack.

Local Installation

  • Clone the repo
  • Open your android project in android studio, and navigate to File -> New -> Import Module
  • Select the Android SDK repo that you just cloned. Check off the app module, only include the voiceit2 module

API Calls


First import VoiceItAPI2 and then initialize a reference to the SDK inside an Activity, passing in your API Credentials or user token.

import org.json.JSONObject;

import com.voiceit.voiceit2.VoiceItAPI2;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private VoiceItAPI2 myVoiceIt;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // If using user tokens, replace API_KEY below with the user token,
        // and leave the second argument as an empty string
        myVoiceIt = new VoiceItAPI2("API_KEY","API_TOK");

API calls

For each API call, a JsonHttpResponseHandler is needed to receive the result of the call. You can override the response handlers like so, and abbreviated with ellipses below:

new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {
    public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, JSONObject response) {
        System.out.println("JSONResult : " + response.toString());

    public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, Throwable throwable, JSONObject errorResponse) {
        if (errorResponse != null) {
            System.out.println("JSONResult : " + errorResponse.toString());

Liveness Detection

For our Encapsulated Face and Video Verification methods, liveness detection can be enabled by parameter. This enables a pre-check(prompting to the user to turn their head or smile) before the verification API call to decrease the chance a user is able to spoof with a photo of someone else. This helps to mitigate replay attacks.

Encapsulated Methods

Encapsulated Methods take care of all the logic of enrollment/verification and the UI in new Android Activities. Immediately upon calling a method it displays a enrollment/verification view controller that enrolls/verifies the user and provides relevant callbacks for whether the API calls were successful or not with associated biometric confidence. Note: If less than the required enrollments exist for a user, enrollment methods delete them and re-enroll.

Encapsulated Voice Enrollment

Create three voice enrollments user with given userId(begins with 'usr_'), contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.), and a given phrase such as "Never forget tomorrow is a new day".

myVoiceIt.encapsulatedVoiceEnrollment(Activity, "USER_ID_HERE", "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", "PHRASE_HERE", new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

Encapsulated Voice Verification

Verify user with given userId(begins with 'usr_'), contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.), and a given phrase such as "Never forget tomorrow is a new day".

myVoiceIt.encapsulatedVoiceVerification(Activity, "USER_ID_HERE", "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", "PHRASE_HERE", new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

Encapsulated Voice Identification

Identify user from given groupId(begins with 'grp_'), contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.), and a given phrase such as "Never forget tomorrow is a new day".

myVoiceIt.encapsulatedVoiceIdentification(Activity, "GROUP_ID_HERE", "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", "PHRASE_HERE", new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

Encapsulated Face Enrollment

Create three face enrollments for user with given userId(begins with 'usr_').

myVoiceIt.encapsulatedFaceEnrollment(Activity, "USER_ID_HERE", new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

Encapsulated Face Verification

Verify user with given userId(begins with 'usr_'), and a boolean to enable liveness detection.

myVoiceIt.encapsulatedFaceVerification(Activity, "USER_ID_HERE", true, new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

with optional boolean to disable or enable liveness tutorial:

myVoiceIt.encapsulatedFaceVerification(Activity, "USER_ID_HERE", true, true, new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

Encapsulated Face Identification

Identify user from given groupId(begins with 'grp_'), and a boolean to enable liveness detection.

myVoiceIt.encapsulatedFaceIdentification(Activity, "GROUP_ID_HERE", true, new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

Encapsulated Video Enrollment

Create three video enrollments for user with given userId(begins with 'usr_') and contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES', etc.), and a given phrase such as "my face and voice identify me".

myVoiceIt.encapsulatedVideoEnrollment(Activity, "USER_ID_HERE", "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", "PHRASE_HERE", new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

Encapsulated Video Verification

Verify user with given userId(begins with 'usr_'), contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.), a given phrase such as "my face and voice identify me", and a boolean to enable liveness detection.

myVoiceIt.encapsulatedVideoVerification(Activity, "USER_ID_HERE", "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", "PHRASE_HERE", true, new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

With optional boolean to enable or disable liveness tutorial:

myVoiceIt.encapsulatedVideoVerification(Activity, "USER_ID_HERE", "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", "PHRASE_HERE", true, true, new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

Encapsulated Video Identification

Identify user from given groupId(begins with 'grp_'), contentLanguage('en-US','es-ES' etc.), a given phrase such as "my face and voice identify me", and a boolean to enable liveness detection.

myVoiceIt.encapsulatedVideoIdentification(Activity, "GROUP_ID_HERE", "CONTENT_LANGUAGE_HERE", "PHRASE_HERE", true, new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

Setting The Theme

To set the theme, please initialize the voiceit Module with the Color integer as the third argument:

myVoiceIt = new VoiceItAPI2("API_KEY","API_TOK", Color.parseColor("HEX_COLOR_VALUE_HERE"));

Please make sure that the color is a valid Hex value. The parseColor method throws an IllegalArgumentException so it is recommended to wrap the initialize method in try-catch blocks

Other API Calls

Please refer to for information about all API calls

Remember to add "new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...}" as the last argument

For example, you can check whether a user exists for the given userId(begins with 'usr_')

myVoiceIt.checkUserExists("USER_ID_HERE", new JsonHttpResponseHandler() {...});

Strings and Prompts

All strings and prompts utilized in the encapsulated views can be overwitten by adding strings with the same names as found in:


to the strings.xml file in your app.


VoiceIt Technologies,


VoiceItApi2AndroidSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.