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Dispatch Solo OVA

Karol Stępniewski edited this page Nov 30, 2018 · 5 revisions

Installing Dispatch using Dispatch Solo OVA

Dispatch can be installed as an all-in-one OVA. OVA can be deployed in vSphere or Fusion/Workstation and contains a single virtual machine that runs dispatch-server. You can use this OVA to get to know Dispatch.

For the best experience, make sure to check out our quick start guide for Dispatch Solo OVA.

Download Dispatch OVA

You can download dispatch OVA from here.

Deploy the OVA

Deploy the OVA to the environment of your choice. Whether it's vSphere or VMware Fusion/Workstation, you will be prompted to provide some configuration options. Configure those that you need, but if you have DHCP enabled, only password field should be required: Importing Dispatch OVA. Only password is required.

Start the OVA

Once the OVA started, login with root user (only for alpha version) and password you configured during OVA deployment. You can use dispatch right away - the CLI inside the VM is preconfigured and can be used to deploy functions! Dispatch VM comes with CLI preinstalled

Download Dispatch CLI

You may run dispatch CLI locally, and point it to your Dispatch VM.

Get the Latest Release Version

export LATEST=$(curl -s | jq -r .name)

Note: If you don't have jq and don't want to install it, you can just manually parse the JSON response and grab the version.

For MacOS

$ curl -OL$LATEST/dispatch-darwin
$ chmod +x dispatch-darwin
$ mv dispatch-darwin /usr/local/bin/dispatch

For Linux

$ curl -OL$LATEST/dispatch-linux
$ chmod +x dispatch-linux
$ mv dispatch-linux /usr/local/bin/dispatch

Configure and install Dispatch CLI:

Fetch the IP address of your Dispatch VM that is reachable from your machine, as this will be used the host for dispatch services.

export DISPATCH_HOST= # replace with your IP

Create dispatch config file $HOME/.dispatch/config.json like this:

cat $HOME/.dispatch/config.json
    "host": "${DISPATCH_HOST}",
    "port": 8080,
    "organization": "dispatch",
    "insecure": true,

Get the Examples

To get the examples, you will need to clone the dispatch repository (if you're using the Linux VM, the examples are in ~/code/dispatch/examples):

$ git clone
$ cd dispatch

At this point, the environment is up and working. Let's seed the service with some images and functions. In order to get the examples, you will need to clone the repository (if you haven't already):

$ dispatch create seed-images
$ dispatch get images
     NAME    |                             URL                              |    BASEIMAGE    | STATUS |         CREATED DATE          
  python3    | | python3-base    | READY  | Mon Aug 27 15:07:17 PDT 2018  
  nodejs     | | nodejs-base     | READY  | Mon Aug 27 15:07:17 PDT 2018  
  powershell | | powershell-base | READY  | Mon Aug 27 15:07:17 PDT 2018  
  java       | | java-base       | READY  | Mon Aug 27 15:07:17 PDT 2018   
$ dispatch create --file seed.yaml --work-dir examples/
$ dispatch get functions
    NAME    |                           FUNCTIONIMAGE                           | STATUS |         CREATED DATE          
  hello-js  | | READY  | Mon Aug 27 15:09:53 PDT 2018  
  hello-py  | | READY  | Mon Aug 27 15:09:53 PDT 2018  
  http-py   | | READY  | Mon Aug 27 15:09:53 PDT 2018  
  hello-ps1 | | READY  | Mon Aug 27 15:09:53 PDT 2018 

Execute a function:

$ dispatch exec hello-py --input '{"name": "Jon", "place": "Winterfell"}' --wait
    "blocking": true,
    "executedTime": 1535760194,
    "faasId": "929ef9bc-a8e9-4a53-87aa-ec69e530c0a9",
    "finishedTime": 1535760194,
    "functionId": "15122478-5cf6-497d-9ed7-6a284a64b647",
    "functionName": "hello-py",
    "input": {
        "name": "Jon",
        "place": "Winterfell"
    "logs": {
        "stderr": null,
        "stdout": null
    "name": "3ca12f09-5df4-4439-893d-f0e5ca380d57",
    "output": {
        "myField": "Hello, Jon from Winterfell"
    "reason": null,
    "secrets": [],
    "services": null,
    "status": "READY",
    "tags": []

Now go build something!