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Add vcenter events guide (#774)
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* add an example of running hardening script with vSphere events
* fix a typo in local config causing eventsgateway to be ignored
* remove unrelated release
  • Loading branch information
kars7e committed Nov 28, 2018
1 parent bdf880e commit 86d237e
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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions docs/_config.yml
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nav: Usage
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223 changes: 223 additions & 0 deletions docs/_examples/
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layout: default
title: Harden VMs in vSphere

# Introduction

This tutorial will walk you through executing functions in response to vSphere events.
_Note:_ Ensure you have followed the [Quickstart]({{ '/documentation/front/quickstart' | relative_url }}) guide and have a working Dispatch Virtual Appliance.

Our goal is to execute a PowerShell function called hardenVM, which will apply additional hardening configuration on every virtual machine created in vSphere.

# Create Seed Images

Dispatch is bundled with a set of seed images for multiple languages to get you started easily. If you followed the guide, you should
have a set of images created in your Dispatch VM. Execute the following command to check:

$ dispatch get images
java | dispatch/f23f029e... | java-base | READY | ...
nodejs | dispatch/6f04f67d... | nodejs-base | READY | ...
powershell | dispatch/edcbdda8... | powershell-base | READY | ...
python3 | dispatch/1937b329... | python3-base | READY | ...

If the list is empty, you can create the seed images using the following command:

$ dispatch create seed-images
Created BaseImage: nodejs-base
Created BaseImage: python3-base
Created BaseImage: powershell-base
Created BaseImage: java-base
Created Image: nodejs
Created Image: python3
Created Image: powershell
Created Image: java

**Note**: You need to wait a short while for the images to be in the `READY` state. You can always check the status using the `dispatch get images` command.

# Create a PowerShell image with PowerCLI dependency

Our function needs a library that knows how to talk to vSphere. We will use `PowerCLI` SDK to do that. To bring the dependency for our function, we will prepare a dedicated image.

1. Create a file named `deps.ps1` with PowerCLI dependency:

cat << EOF > deps.psd1
'VMware.PowerCLI' = 'latest'

2. create a new image using PowerShell base image:

$ dispatch create image powershell-powercli powershell-base --runtime-deps deps.psd1
Created image: powershell-powercli

# Create a secret with vSphere credentials

Our function also needs to know how to connect to vSphere, and what credentials to use. In order to do that, we will create a Dispatch secret.

1. Create a JSON file with secret contents:

cat << EOF > vsphere.json
"host": "<vCenter host URL, e.g.>",
"username": "<username>",
"password": "<password>"
"vcenterurl": "<full vCenter URL, e.g.>"

2. Create a dispatch secret called `vsphere`:
$ dispatch create secret vsphere vsphere.json
Created secret: vsphere

# Create a function

We will use [`ApplyHardening` function](
from PowerCLI-Example-Scripts repo. We slightly modify it to include the entrypoint handler (comments removed for brevity.

1. Create function file with following contents:
Import-Module PowerCLI.ViCore
function Apply-Hardening {
Process {
$ExtraOptions = @{
if ($DebugPreference -eq "Inquire") {
Write-Output "VM Hardening Options:"
$ExtraOptions | Format-Table -AutoSize
$VMConfigSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec
Foreach ($Option in $ExtraOptions.GetEnumerator()) {
$OptionValue = New-Object VMware.Vim.optionvalue
$OptionValue.Key = $Option.Key
$OptionValue.Value = $Option.Value
$VMConfigSpec.extraconfig += $OptionValue
ForEach ($VM in $VMs){
$VMv = Get-VM $VM | Get-View
$state = $VMv.Summary.Runtime.PowerState
Write-Output "...Starting Reconfiguring VM: $VM "
$TaskConf = ($VMv).ReconfigVM_Task($VMConfigSpec)
if ($state -eq "poweredOn") {
Write-Output "...Migrating VM: $VM "
$TaskMig = $VMv.MigrateVM_Task($null, $_.Runtime.Host, 'highPriority', $null)
function handle($context, $payload) {
[void](Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction ignore -Confirm:$false)
$username = $context.secrets.username
$password = $context.secrets.password
$hostname = $
$vmName = $payload.metadata.vm_name
# Connect to vSphere
Write-Host "Checking VC Connection is active"
if (-not $global:defaultviservers) {
Write-Host "Connecting to $hostname"
$server = connect-viserver -server $hostname -User $username -Password $password
} else {
Write-Host "Already connected to $hostname"
Write-Host "Get Virtual Machine By name"
$vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName
Write-Host "Security Harden our VM"
$vm | Apply-Hardening
return "success"

2. Create Dispatch function using previously created image and secret (assuming the function file is called hardenvm.ps1):
$ dispatch create function harden-vm hardenvm.ps1 --image=powershell-powercli --secret vsphere
Created function: harden-vm

If you have a VM in your vSphere already, you can test the function before wiring it to vSphere events by running it manually:

$ dispatch exec harden-vm --wait --input '{"metadata": {"vm_name": "myvm"}}' | jq -r '.output'
"...Starting Reconfiguring VM: myvm ",

Replace `myvm` with the name of your vm.

# Create an event driver
In order to receive vSphere events we need to create an event driver.

1. Create a vcenter event driver type which registers the docker image implementing the driver:
$ dispatch create event-driver-type vcenter dispatchframework/dispatch-events-vcenter:solo-auth
Created event driver type: vcenter

2. Create the driver using previously created secret:
$ dispatch create event-driver vcenter --secret vsphere --name vcenter
Created event driver: vcenter

# Wiring function and event - subscription

The final step is to wire the function and event together. to do that, we create a subscription. We will use vsphere event
`VMDeployedEvent`, which is emitted when VM finishes deploying:

$ dispatch create subscription --event-type vm.deployed harden-vm --name harden_deployed
created subscription: harden_deployed

Now, when you create a VM in vSphere, after a while you should see that the `harden-vm` function is executed, and in vSphere UI
yo can see that VM has now extra configured applied to it!

![Hardening options applied to the vm.]({{ '/assets/images/harden-options.png' | relative_url }}){:width="600px"}

13 changes: 0 additions & 13 deletions docs/_posts/

This file was deleted.

Binary file added docs/assets/images/harden-options.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pkg/dispatchserver/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type localConfig struct {
DockerHost string `mapstructure:"docker-host" json:"docker-host,omitempty"`
GatewayPort int `mapstructure:"gateway-port" json:"gateway-port,omitempty"`
GatewayTLSPort int `mapstructure:"gateway-tls-port" json:"gateway-tls-port,omitempty"`
EventsGateway string `mapstructure:"events-gateway" json:events-gateway,omitempty"`
EventsGateway string `mapstructure:"events-gateway" json:"events-gateway,omitempty"`

var dispatchConfigPath = ""
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