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Angular2, NodeJS, Auth0

Example for protecting both server and client side routes using JWTs

Server side route we are protecting is https://localhost:3036/users or appropriate browser-sync proxy. This route returns a text/json. For JWTs check use express-jwt.

Client side route we are protecting is http://localhost:3036/#/home. For JWTs check use angular2-jwt module.

The solution is different when we are using Path and Hash LocationStrategy.

###HashLocationStrategy There is a workaround when we are using HashLocationStrategy.

We are initializing Auth0Lock component from http://localhost:3036/#/login. This route is configured as Allowed callback URL on auth0 account. But when Auth0Lock is returning a JWT it calls http://localhost:3036/#access_token.... and we get URL not recognized error because we do not have this kind of route configured in app.routes.ts.

const appRoutes: Routes = [  
  { path: '', redirectTo: 'login', pathMatch: 'full' },
  { path: 'login', component: LoginComponent },  
  { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
  { path: 'pagenotfound', component: PageNotFoundComponent, canActivate: [AuthenticationCallbackActivateGuard] },  
  { path: '**', redirectTo: '/pagenotfound' }  

The workaround is that we handle this as a default route (path:'*') redirect to /pagenotfound guarded by AuthenticationCallbackActivateGuard.

The AuthenticationCallbackActivateGuard looks like this:

export class AuthenticationCallbackActivateGuard implements CanActivate {

  constructor(private router: Router, private location: Location) { }

  canActivate() {
    var path = this.location.path(true);

    // You may want to make a more robust check here
    var isAuthenticationCallback = path.indexOf("access_token") !== -1;


    if (isAuthenticationCallback) {
      this.router.navigate(['/login'], { fragment: path });

      return false;

    return true;

It checks if the URL contains the access_token and if it does AuthenticationCallbackActivateGuard assumes that it is JWT and redirects to /login. That way we deliver the JWT from http://localhost/#access_token... to http://localhost:3036/#/login.


It is neccessary to change server route configuration. Server must redirect unhandled routes to a route that renders index.js (Angular2 - start point) file.

  this._app.get('*', (req, res) => {

We do not have to use Active Guard any more.

Auth0 application account configuration Allowed Callback URLs http://localhost:3000/#/login

Based on ExpressTSAngular2

Node, Express, TypeScript, Gulp, BrowserSync, Angular2 application skeleton.

Provided for developing Angular2 applications using Typescript served over node-express server.


Must have node and npm installed

How to use

Install node dependencies in your project root directory (this is where the 'package.json' file is located) using:

$ npm install

Install typescript definitions using:

$ typings install

Start application with

$ gulp

Application will be initialy compiled and started. By default the server is listening on port 3036. Browser synchronization is configured in proxy mode. Client application (Angular2) can be accessed through your web browser on the following url localhost:3036/angular. If everything is ok you should see the message "My Second Angular App". displayed in your browser.

Under the hood

Server application in typescript is located in ./server/ts files folder.

Folder ./server/js contains transpiled server application and is populated by gulp build system. Folder contains files needed for deployment. Server application is compiled whenever you make changes to any file in ./server/ts folder.

Server application is node-express web server initialy configured to listen for requests on localhost:3036/angular.

Client application in typescript is located in ./client/app/ts files folder.

Folder ./client/app/js (reach with /js) contains transpiled client application and is populated by gulp build system. Folder contains files needed for deployment. Client application is compiled whenever you make changes to any file in ./client/app/ts folder.

Folder ./client/app/ts (reach with /ts) contains following files


taken from the official Angular2 web page quickstart


Angular2 - Auth using Auth0 protecting both server and client side routes







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