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Viva IT - Settings Bundle Build Status

The aim of this bundle is to allow you to retrieve and pass dynamic settings to services and other classes used in Symfony. These settings can be currently be stored in Doctrine, Redis, or Symfony's config itself. Single or multiple drivers can be specified for each setting and/or service, which will search each driver until a setting has been found.

A controller has been provided to easily allow your users to configure settings via a UI - although we recommend you customise this to match your own application.


Using composer

$ composer require vivait/settings-bundle

Enabling bundle

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Vivait\SettingsBundle\VivaitSettingsBundle()

Add routing rules (optional)

# app/config/routing.yml
  resource: "@VivaitSettingsBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
  prefix:   /settings


Settings are accessed via drivers. The bundle comes with several drivers to get you started, but you must define them in your config.yml file:

        yaml: vivait_settings.driver.yaml
        doctrine: vivait_settings.driver.doctrine

The simplest way to retrieve a setting is to do it directly via the vivait_settings.registry class. This will then check all of the drivers available until it can find the setting:


You can also check for settings via a driver collection. A driver collection is just a stack of drivers, and can be created via the vivait_settings.registry class.

  $this->get('vivait_settings.registry')->drivers(['doctrine', 'yaml'])->get('settingname');

In the example above, the settings registry would try each driver referenced in the driver collection and stop when it found the appropriate setting.

You can also specify a default value for if a setting value isn't found in any driver:

  $this->get('vivait_settings.registry')->get('settingname', 'default value');

###Passing settings directly to services Most likely, you're going to want to pass your settings directly to your services in your services config file. You can do this via expressions:

        class:        "Me\MyBundle\Services\MyService"
        arguments:    [ "@=service('vivait_settings.registry').get('myservice.settingname')" ]

You can still specify the drivers in the expression:

        class:        "Me\MyBundle\Services\MyService"
        arguments:    [ "@=service('vivait_settings.registry').drivers(['yaml', 'doctrine']).get('myservice.settingname')" ]

Notice in the examples above how we've used a '.' to categorise a setting. The reason for this will become apparent when create our settings form, but groups are optional and can be nested.

Adding custom drivers

Adding custom drivers is easy, and is encouraged. For example, as part of our Auth Bundle, we allow per-user settings. This is provided via a custom driver.

All drivers must implement the \Vivait\SettingsBundle\Driver\ParametersStorageInterface interface. To register a driver add your driver to the service container:

    class: Me\MyBundle\Driver\MyDriver

Next, add the service id to your config.yml file as described above.

Using a form to change a setting

Create a form type, and inject the required driver.

    class: Me\MyBundle\Form\Type\SignatureType
    arguments: [@vivait_settings.driver.doctrine]
      - { name: form.type, alias: 'signature' }

In the form type, add the setting keys you wish to modify, as well as SettingsSubscriber and the KeyToArrayTransformer:

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            'signature', //setting key
    ->add('Submit', 'submit');

    $builder->addEventSubscriber(new SettingsSubscriber($this->driver));
    $builder->addModelTransformer(new KeyToArrayTransformer());

Handle your form as normal, but set the data using your driver of choice:

public function signatureAction(Request $request)
    $form = $this->createForm('signature');

        $driver = $this->get('vivait_settings.driver.doctrine');
        foreach($form->getData() as $key => $value){
            $driver->set($key, $value);

Testing Run

Unit Test are written with PHPSpec.


A bundle to inject user configurable settings in to services/classes powered by a number of drivers.






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