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Develop and Support

Sebastian Reyes Espinosa edited this page Nov 21, 2017 · 1 revision

Development cycle.

If you wish to make suggestions to this project's code, please keep this few considerations in mind before pushing your Pull Requests:

  • This project code is a work in progress, so there is always room for improvement, but there is no need to impoverish the code base quality; have that in mind when submitting your suggestions and Pull Requests.
  • Until a better release cycle is implemented,the branch master is the most recent, most stable code base.
  • Always push your PR to develop branch, any other will not be considered, and giving the case is easy to do we guess there will be no difficulties with that.
  • Any code submitted should have it's own UnitTest added inside the same code structure the project has right now.
  • This projects uses PyTest, Coverage, Flake8 and PyLint for testing and static analysis, install them and use them for your development process.
  • Before submitting code to the project, run PyTest on the code base, just type pytest to run the UnitTest on the code, is your responsibility to guarantee all the test pass and at least to keep the same coverage level previous to your changes.
  • PyTest runs Coverage at the end of the process, and throws a brief report, simpler than the traditional one called with coverage report -m, which you also are still able to run if there is need for a more detailed version.
  • Before submitting code to the project, run Flake8 and PyLint (which we are still tuning so beware of false alarms there, if you detect them, feel free to fix it through your PR), look at the reports and fix those lines where there is need to.

Issues and support.

We will try our best to provide help and orientation with this project implementation, but keep in mind than this is done in our spare time, and that has a lot of implications, please, be patient. If you find a bug, try your best to provide the necessary information to replicate the resulting error, the expected result and the actual one, if there is additional information you think will be useful, please add it.

Remember, this is a project made for fun and learning purposes, don't forget to enjoy the process; we are all learning, and there will always be room for improvement, don't be shy on your suggestions, we are always open for them, and we want to have really nice and informed conversations about those PR.

We will be awaiting.

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