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Living Styleguide

Example of living Styleguide made with Flask-Styleguide and Frozen-Flask. This guide describes how to generate your own styleguide for any flask application.

  • Use KSS to document your stylesheets. KSS is documentation syntax for any flavor CSS. It's human readable, machine parsable, and easy to remember. Flask-Styleguide looks for any KSS formated documentation in static directories of your application and registered blueprints (if any).

    // A standard, but classy, button used widely for submit forms and
    // to complete other app actions.
    // :hover - Hover state.
    // :active - When the button is pressed.
    // :focus - When the button is focused.
    // :disabled - Disabled state.
    // .is-disabled - Same as above.
    // Styleguide 2.1.
  • Define endpoint for your styleguide in application:

    def styleguide():
        return render_template('styleguide.html')
  • The new jinja tag styleguide becomes available when flask_styleguide is initialized. Let's write some html examples for our buttons:

    {% extends 'layout.html' %}
    {% block main %}
      {% styleguide "2.1" %}
        <button class="button$modifier_class">Button</button>
        <a class="button$modifier_class">A button link</a>
      {% endstyleguide %}
    {% endblock %}
  • The styleguide/section.html template will be used for each section in your styleguide (like 2.1 in the previous step). Let's define it:

    <article class="style-guide" id="{{ section.section }}">
      <h4 class="style-guide-reference">{{ section.section }}</h4>
      <div class="style-guide-description">
        <p>{{ section.description|safe }}</p>
        {% if section.modifiers %}
          <ul class="style-guide-modifiers">
            {% for m in section.modifiers %}
              <li><strong>{{ }}</strong> - {{ m.description }}</li>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
      <div class="style-guide-element">
        {{ section.example|safe }}
      {% for m in section.modifiers %}
        <div class="style-guide-element">
          <small class="style-guide-modifier">{{ }}</small>
          {{ m.example|safe }}
      {% endfor %}
      <div class="style-guide-html">
        <pre>{{ section.example|forceescape }}</pre>
  • Prettify styleguide. Without styles styleguide looks not so great. Apply some styling to it or reuse this one:

    bower install --save classy-style-guide
    @import 'classy-style-guide/';
  • Now that you’re up and running. Fire up a browser and go to the brand new styleguide...