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42cursus' project

The printf function is one of the most versatile and well-known functions in the C language.From a testing aid to tabulation method, printf is a very powerful and important tool in everydev's kit. This project aims to recreate the behaviour of the original MacOS's printf, includingits basic error management, some of its flags, minimum field width stipulation and most of itsbasic conversions.




Write a lib with ft_printf function that will mimic the real printf

Allow Function

malloc(), free(), write(), va_start(), va_arg(), va_copy(), va_end()


A small description of the required conversion:

  • %c print a single character.
  • %s print a string of characters.
  • %p The void * pointer argument is printed in hexadecimal.
  • %d print a decimal (base 10) number.
  • %i print an integer in base 10.
  • %u print an unsigned decimal (base 10) number.
  • %x print a number in hexadecimal (base 16).
  • %% print a percent sign.


Manage any combination of the following flags:

  • -0. and minimum field width with all conversions
  • Manage all the following flags: # +(yes, one of them is a space)

What is ft_printf?

This project is about recoding the famous printf C function to learn variadic functions and improve algorithmic methodology.

int ft_printf(const char * (restrict) format, ...);

ft_printf can print different contents depending on conversions and flags. You can print using the following syntax:

%[flag][min-width].[precision][length modifier][conversion specifier]

min-width depending on cases, will add empty spaces. Precision, depending on cases, will add '0'.

See below what are flags, length modifier and conversions.

Conversions & Flags & Expected Order

Conversion Description Project
c Single ascii character Mandatory
s String of characters NULL terminated Mandatory
p Pointer location converted to hexadecimal value Mandatory
d Decimal number Mandatory
i Integer in decimal base Mandatory
u Unsigned integer in decimal base Mandatory
x Unsigned number printed in lowercase hexadecimal base Mandatory
X Unsigned number printed in uppercase hexadecimal base Mandatory
% The '%' ascii character Mandatory
o Unsigned number printed in octal base Extra
Flag Description Project
- Left align the argument passed Bonus 1
0 Add '0' as a padding character in numeric conversions (single space is default) Bonus 1
. Precision definition, followed by a number Bonus 1
+ Add a plus sign ('+') in the front of positive numeric conversions Bonus 2
' ' Add a single space (' ') in the front of positive numeric conversions Bonus 2
# Add the corresponding prefix in front of x, X and o conversions Bonus 2
* Add a placeholder for numeric values that shall be passed through the variadic arguments Extra
Holder key Prefix and justification flags * Minimum Width * Precision * Conversion
% - , 0 , + , ... 10, 5 , ... ., .10, .5, ... c, d, i, s, ...
* : optional flags and definitions


You can try our project with the following commands:

First, clone the repository

git clone
cd ft_printf

Algorithm and Concept

My concept printf is write read character ordering and grab %. write a normal character and coverting placeholder format to write coverted string.

Discovery this sheet to understand more about printf using case.



  1. Read character in ordering
  2. Check and set formatter string as t_format
  3. Write a character is not found format
    • write(1, &c, 1)
  4. Convert format to converted string (cstr)
  5. Write cstr with print_str or print_char
  6. Shift read cursur equal format string length
  7. Continue to read next character (to step 1)

Conversion type


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