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Releases: virresh/matvt

MATVT v1.0.7-pre

27 Nov 12:23
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MATVT v1.0.7-pre Pre-release

Pre-release with a fix for Android 12.

Update: cleaned up non adb versions. Future release will feature toggling between engines avoiding the need of two different Apks.

Update: added non-adb version APK as well for #61 (use the 1.0.7-pre2 version).

Update: Please also try
It has quite a lot of improvements by @aquirozc (especially around scroll mode stability)
These will be included in the next stable release.

MATVT v1.0.6

10 Oct 12:31
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This release introduces an auto-detect for BossKey
It also introduces scrolling by pointing the mouse to sides
(Please enable "Bordered Window" and "Boss key Toggle" to check this out!)

A huge thanks to @sweenwolf for the contributions!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0.5...v1.0.6

MATVT v1.0.6

12 Dec 12:00
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MATVT v1.0.6 Pre-release

Pre-release for ADB based events
Will probably be buggy.
Please validate the basic function.

MATVT v1.0.5

14 Aug 10:31
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More cursor styles for customization!
Adds 4 more cursor images, thanks to hotcereal_twitter for the pngs.
Link to community chat -

MATVT v1.0.4

26 Jun 18:21
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This release has the following enhancements:

  • Some performance fixes (For issue #2 and #15)
  • BossKey can be made toggleable (For #16)
  • Mouse disappearance time is fixed to 10 seconds (For #8)

Details of configurations available in the README on the home page as well.

MATVT v1.03 Phone

10 Apr 15:00
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Thanks to all the community members who made this possible.
Follow the thread at #8 for complete details.

Download the apk from assets at the bottom of release notes

Important points:

  • It's possible now to control scroll speed, enable bordered mode etc. App is in parity with features for TV version for Android 7 and up.
  • The app is very limited on phones running Android 6. It cannot click on html view based apps (that don't have a sub view for every element). Please contribute in case there's a work-around possible, but for now clicking might not work in such apps.
  • Some things are just not possible on Android 6 for now (like controlling scroll speed), hence I've updated app accordingly. These features would not show in Android 6.

Some old disclosures

I would however like to mention that I'm not yet releasing code of this version publicly because I'm torn between decision to make knowledge publicly available vs interest of contributors who helped create this project.
Some details:

  • There is a person with the handle Boruch Adler on apps4flip forum (folks from this forum only requested the flipphone port in the first place), who has not only stolen code and sold it to people, but also attempted to criminalize distribution of my open source project by putting up a notice saying the project is created by them and obtaining from everywhere else is a crime. They have partnered with InstaText service for selling. Link to thread:
  • After some intervention by Forum Admins, the person (a) Somehow got my notice on the thread deleted and (b) Made the app free to avoid any further questions
  • This person has not only deleted my notice but not even put any sort of acknowledgement about them stealing code and attempting to criminalize the open-source version. The admins have graciously acknowledged the source, but I feel sad about the IP of all the contributors involved in this project. It is definitely possible that the person is still selling this project at other places. Please let people know about the open-source version in case you come across such scenarios.
  • The main reason why I am not publishing source code is because, the person is still continuing to backport features from TV version to phone version and giving them new names. The admins have acknowledged on the thread that the person has provided them with a new version with more features. It doesn't make sense to me to continue working on an OSS project and add new features and not contribute them back to the original source. For what it's worth, each and every contribution made to this project is publicly visible and the not-so visible contributions have duly been acknowledged in the README.

Some new Disclosures

BoruchAdler has shown great courage and admitted the folly. I hope this kind of thing doesn't repeat in the future. Thanks to everyone for their continuous support.

Will this project be continued?

I'm really not sure. Since it's an open-source project and a lot of people are already involved with it, I'd want an open discussion about the future of this project. Please step up and create an issue / let me know on the chat channel ( if you have suggestions on the future of this project.

Yes. The stars have spoken, 😄

MATVT v1.03

13 Mar 17:33
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More bug fixes on click functionality (might cause regression on some TVs, please report if so along with information about which previous version worked for you)


  • Disable Boss Key option (useful for folks on a full size remote and don't want to engage any extra key)
  • Bordered mode option. Disables warp around screen edges in bordered mode.

MATVT v1.02

08 Mar 19:20
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  • Combine legacy behaviour with touch behaviour for best of both worlds in click behaviour
  • Add window permission manifest to fix ime behaviour
  • Add scroll speed control
  • Minor bugs here and there

Virtual Mouse on Phone test

06 Mar 18:26
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This is a pre-release, refer issue #3 for details

Kindly do not use phone versions on TV

MATVT v1.01

28 Feb 14:30
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Thanks to @sweenwolf
It now supports more TV boxes (most Android TV boxes should work, please leave an issue in case it doesn't work on your box along with information on what can be done to help it if possible).

Also has a GUI configuration page, and mouse style / size along with Boss Key mechanism can be configured

There's a demo video by TechDoctorUK showing how to use the app at: