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An open database of bat coronavirus surveillance (1996 to 2018)


In this repository you can find a cleaned, public-facing, simplified version of the data generated by Cohen et al., "Sampling strategies and pre-pandemic surveillance gaps for bat coronaviruses"; the version of the dataset available here is intended for others to be able to use for their own research purposes.

Suggested citation:

Please cite both of the following:

  • Lily E. Cohen, Anna C. Fagre, Binqi Chen, Colin J. Carlson, and Daniel J. Becker. (2022) Sampling strategies and pre-pandemic surveillance gaps for bat coronaviruses. bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2022.06.15.496296.
  • Lily E. Cohen, Anna C. Fagre, Binqi Chen, Colin J. Carlson, and Daniel J. Becker. (2022) datacov: An open database of bat coronavirus surveillance (1996 to 2018). version 0.1. Downloaded from on (...your date here...). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6644163.

What's in the dataset

Each row of the dataset corresponds to the finest scale of disaggregated testing data we were able to identify based on reported sampling procedures. Each row has four fields that describe the accompanying publication:

column name description
Title Title of publication
Authors Authors of publication
Journal Journal of publication
Year Year of publication

All other fields describe the actual bat coronavirus prevalence data, often with several rows from each study:

column name description
nSamples The number of samples tested
nPositive The number of samples positive for coronaviruses (as identified below)
Prevalence Reported or estimated values of coronavirus prevalence across samples (should usually equal nPositive / nSamples)
HostFamily The family of the bats sampled
HostGenus The genus of the bats sampled if provided
Hosts The bat host species (singular or plural, delimited by commas if pooled within the same genus) sampled if provided
nSpecies The number of bat species tested (if samples were pooled)
VirusGenus Alphacoronavirus or Betacoronavirus
VirusSubgenus Subgenus if available, e.g., Colacovirus, Sarbecovirus
VirusStrain Fine-scale viral identity, if available, e.g., "HKU8 related"
DetectionType Detection type is split into three categories: 1) single (one estimate from a single, non-repeated sampling trip); 2) repeat (a single estimate where each repeated record represents one of multiple, longitudinal sampling trips to the same site); or 3) pooled (one estimate from the pooled results of multiple trips or sites)
StudyType Cross-sectional or longitudinal study
DetectionMethod Type of test used (e.g., PCR, ELISA)
DetectionMethodSpecific Type of test used (more granular, if provided: e.g., hemi-nested PCR, RT-PCR, ELISA)
PCRMethod Type of PCR test used if applicable (single or multiple)
GeneTarget Coronavirus gene target of test, simplified (RdRp, Other, or both)
GeneTargetDetailed More specific information on the coronavirus gene targeted (e.g., RdRp, ORF1b)
Tissue Tissues sampled (e.g., "faecal, rectal, or anal")
Sample Type of sample (e.g., "swab", "faeces")
Country Country of sampling site
State State or province of sampling site, if reported
SamplingSite Precise geospatial locality string data if reported
Latitude Sampling site latitude, if provided
Longitude Sampling site longitude, if provided
nSamplingTrips The number of sampling trips reported as being pooled together into one set of samples
YearDiscrete If sampling was a "one-time" procedure, the reported year(s) of collection
MonthsDiscrete If sampling was a "one-time" procedure, the reported month(s) of collection
StartYear Beginning of collection interval (year) if collection occured over a longer period
StartMonth Beginning of collection interval (month) if collection occured over a longer period
EndYear End of collection interval (year) if collection occured over a longer period
EndMonth End of collection interval (month) if collection occured over a longer period
Summer Was sampling reportedly in the summer season (some samples may be pooled across seasons) - binary
Fall Was sampling reportedly in the autumn season (some samples may be pooled across seasons) - binary
Winter Was sampling reportedly in the winter season (some samples may be pooled across seasons) - binary
Spring Was sampling reportedly in the spring season (some samples may be pooled across seasons) - binary
TerminalSampling Were any animals reported as being euthanized


An open database of bat coronavirus surveillance (1996 to 2018)







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