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MotoCast is an app specially developed for motorcyclists who wish to plan their trips around the weather. The app allows users to check the weather for their current location, create routes, and get weather information for the entire route. MotoCast makes it easy to see the weather along the route and in advance, allowing motorcyclists to adjust their trips for the best riding experience.


  • Check the weather for your location: MotoCast provides accurate weather information for your current position.
  • Create a route: You can easily create your own routes by plotting start and endpoints, as well as any waypoints on the map.
  • Check the weather for your route: MotoCast gives you a detailed weather report for the entire route, so you know what to expect on the road.
  • Check the weather along the route and in advance: The app allows you to see the weather for specific points along the route and in advance, so you can plan stops and rest breaks based on the weather conditions.


  1. Download and install Android Studio: To get started, download and install the latest version of Android Studio.
  2. Clone the repository: Clone the MotoCast repo to your local machine using Git.
  3. Open the project in Android Studio: Start Android Studio and open the MotoCast project from the local cloned folder.
  4. Add a MapBox API key: To access the map features in the app, you need a MapBox API key. Register for an account on MapBox and create an API key with the downloads:READ scope. Add the API key to your project's file.
  5. Run the app: Connect an Android device or start an Android emulator, and run the app from Android Studio.


MotoCast - A Kotlin app providing real-time route display and weather updates for motorcyclists.







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