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area: analysis
area: analysis
Issues related to language analyses.
area: benchmarks
area: benchmarks
Issues related to the benchmark suite.
area: build
area: build
Issues related to the build system.
area: common
area: common
Issues related to the shared utility APIs.
area: compiler
area: compiler
Issues related to the just-in-time compiler.
area: documentation
area: documentation
Issues related to the documentation.
area: driver
area: driver
Issues related to the command line driver.
area: generators
area: generators
Issues related to the internal source generators.
area: infrastructure
area: infrastructure
Issues related to infrastructure (GitHub, CI, etc).
area: interpreter
area: interpreter
Issues related to the language interpreter.
area: language
area: language
Issues related to the design of the language.
area: runtime
area: runtime
Issues related to the runtime system.
area: service
area: service
Issues related to the Language Server Protocol implementation.
area: tests
area: tests
Issues related to the test suite.
area: tooling
area: tooling
Issues related to the tooling layer.
area: vscode
area: vscode
Issues related to the Visual Studio Code extension.
cpu: arm 32
cpu: arm 32
Issues that are specific to Arm (32-bit).
cpu: arm 64
cpu: arm 64
Issues that are specific to Arm (64-bit).
cpu: x86 32
cpu: x86 32
Issues that are specific to x86 (32-bit).
cpu: x86 64
cpu: x86 64
Issues that are specific to x86 (64-bit).
os: darwin
os: darwin
Issues that are specific to Darwin-based systems (e.g. macOS).
os: linux
os: linux
Issues that are specific to Linux (Alpine, Debian, Fedora, etc).
os: windows
os: windows
Issues that are specific to Windows (10, 11, etc).
state: approved
state: approved
Feature requests and housekeeping tasks that have been approved.
state: blocked
state: blocked
Issues that are blocked on some other issue/work.
state: confirmed
state: confirmed
Bugs that have been confirmed.
state: deliberation
state: deliberation
Issues that require considerable deliberation and/or discussion before a resolution can be found.
state: incomplete
state: incomplete
Issues that have insufficient information to be actionable.
type: bug
type: bug
Issues that are classified as bug reports.
type: feature
type: feature
Issues that are classified as feature requests.