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Vexanium Blockchain - Blockchain financial center building a trusted business ecosystem.

VexChain forking Basic EOSIO Version: v2.1.0

Welcome to the VexChain source code repository! This software enables businesses to rapidly build and deploy high-performance and high-security blockchain-based applications.

Some of the groundbreaking features of VEXCHAIN include:

  1. Free Rate Limited Transactions
  2. Low Latency Block confirmation (0.5 seconds)
  3. Low-overhead Byzantine Fault Tolerant Finality
  4. Designed for optional high-overhead, low-latency BFT finality
  5. Smart contract platform powered by WebAssembly
  6. Designed for Sparse Header Light Client Validation
  7. Scheduled Recurring Transactions
  8. Time Delay Security
  9. Hierarchical Role Based Permissions
  10. Support for Biometric Hardware Secured Keys (e.g. Apple Secure Enclave)
  11. Designed for Parallel Execution of Context Free Validation Logic
  12. Designed for Inter Blockchain Communication

Supported Operating Systems

VEXCHAIN currently supports the following operating systems:

  1. Amazon Linux 2
  2. CentOS 7
  3. CentOS 7.x
  4. CentOS 8
  5. Ubuntu 16.04
  6. Ubuntu 18.04
  7. Ubuntu 20.04
  8. MacOS 10.14 (Mojave)
  9. MacOS 10.15 (Catalina)
  10. MacOS 13.0 (Ventura)

Note: It may be possible to install VEXCHAIN on other Unix-based operating systems. This is not officially supported, though.

Software Installation

If you are new to VEXCHAIN, it is recommended that you install the VEXCHAIN Prebuilt Binaries. If you are an advanced developer, a block producer, or no binaries are available for your platform, you may need to Build VEXCHAIN from source.

Note: If you used our scripts to build/install VEXCHAIN, please run the Uninstall Script before using our prebuilt binary packages.

Prebuilt Binaries

Prebuilt VEXCHAIN software packages are available for the operating systems below. Find and follow the instructions for your OS:

Mac OS X:

Mac OS X Brew Install

brew tap vexanium/vex
brew install vex

Note: On MacOS 10.15 (Catalina), there is a chance to face the linking error below which prevents successful installation of VEXCHAIN:

Reinstalling 1 broken dependent from source:

The following Homebrew commands will resolve this issue:

brew link vex

Mac OS X Brew Uninstall

brew remove vex

Ubuntu Linux:

Ubuntu 20.04 Package Install

sudo apt install ./vex_2.1.0-1_ubuntu_20.04_amd64.deb

Ubuntu 18.04 Package Install

sudo apt install ./vex_2.1.0-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb

Ubuntu Package Uninstall

sudo apt remove vex

Manual build

git clone
cd VexChain

Uninstall Script

To uninstall the VEXCHAIN built/installed binaries and dependencies, run:



  1. Website
  2. Blog
  3. Developer Portal
  4. Community Telegram Group
  5. Developer Telegram Group
  6. White Paper