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What is NebulaGraph Importer?

NebulaGraph Importer is a tool to import data into NebulaGraph.


  • Support multiple data sources, currently supports local, s3, oss, ftp, sftp, hdfs, and gcs.
  • Support multiple file formats, currently only csv files are supported.
  • Support files containing multiple tags, multiple edges, and a mixture of both.
  • Support data transformations.
  • Support record filtering.
  • Support multiple modes, including INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE.
  • Support connect multiple Graph with automatically load balance.
  • Support retry after failure.
  • Humanized status printing.

See configuration instructions for more features.

How to Install

From Releases

Download the packages on the Releases page, and give execute permissions to it.

You can choose according to your needs, the following installation packages are supported:

  • binary
  • archives
  • apk
  • deb
  • rpm

From go install

$ go install

From docker

$ docker pull vesoft/nebula-importer:<version>
$ docker run --rm -ti \
      --network=host \
      -v <config_file>:<config_file> \
      -v <data_dir>:<data_dir> \
      --config <config_file>

# config_file: the absolute path to the configuration file.
# data_dir: the absolute path to the data directory, ignore if not a local file.
# version: the version of NebulaGraph Importer.

From Source Code

$ git clone
$ cd nebula-importer
$ make build

You can find a binary named nebula-importer in bin directory.

Configuration Instructions

NebulaGraph Importer's configuration file is in YAML format. You can find some examples in examples.

Configuration options are divided into four groups:

  • client is configuration options related to the NebulaGraph connection client.
  • manager is global control configuration options related to NebulaGraph Importer.
  • log is configuration options related to printing logs.
  • sources is the data source configuration items.


  version: v3
  address: ""
  user: root
  password: nebula
    enable: true
    certPath: "your/cert/file/path"
    keyPath: "your/key/file/path"
    caPath: "your/ca/file/path"
    insecureSkipVerify: false
  concurrencyPerAddress: 16
  reconnectInitialInterval: 1s
  retry: 3
  retryInitialInterval: 1s
  • client.version: Required. Specifies which version of NebulaGraph, currently only v3 is supported.
  • client.address: Required. The address of graph in NebulaGraph.
  • client.user: Optional. The user of NebulaGraph. The default value is root.
  • client.password: Optional. The password of NebulaGraph. The default value is nebula.
  • client.ssl: Optional. SSL related configuration.
  • client.ssl.enable: Optional. Specifies whether to enable ssl authentication. The default value is false.
  • client.ssl.certPath: Required. Specifies the path of the certificate file.
  • client.ssl.keyPath: Required. Specifies the path of the private key file.
  • client.ssl.caPath: Required. Specifies the path of the certification authority file.
  • client.ssl.insecureSkipVerify: Optional. Specifies whether a client verifies the server's certificate chain and host name. The default value is false.
  • client.concurrencyPerAddress: Optional. The number of client connections to each graph in NebulaGraph. The default value is 10.
  • client.reconnectInitialInterval: Optional. The initialization interval for reconnecting NebulaGraph. The default value is 1s.
  • client.retry: Optional. The failed retrying times to execute nGQL queries in NebulaGraph client. The default value is 3.
  • client.retryInitialInterval: Optional. The initialization interval retrying. The default value is 1s.


  spaceName: basic_int_examples
  batch: 128
  readerConcurrency: 50
  importerConcurrency: 512
  statsInterval: 10s
      - statements:
          - UPDATE CONFIGS storage:wal_ttl=3600;
          - UPDATE CONFIGS storage:rocksdb_column_family_options = { disable_auto_compactions = true };
      - statements:
          - |
            DROP SPACE IF EXISTS basic_int_examples;
            CREATE SPACE IF NOT EXISTS basic_int_examples(partition_num=5, replica_factor=1, vid_type=int);
            USE basic_int_examples;
        wait: 10s
      - statements:
          - |
            UPDATE CONFIGS storage:wal_ttl=86400;
            UPDATE CONFIGS storage:rocksdb_column_family_options = { disable_auto_compactions = false };
  • manager.spaceName: Required. Specifies which space the data is imported into.
  • manager.batch: Optional. Specifies the batch size for all sources of the inserted data. The default value is 128.
  • manager.readerConcurrency: Optional. Specifies the concurrency of reader to read from sources. The default value is 50.
  • manager.importerConcurrency: Optional. Specifies the concurrency of generating inserted nGQL statement, and then call client to import. The default value is 512.
  • manager.statsInterval: Optional. Specifies the interval at which statistics are printed. The default value is 10s.
  • manager.hooks.before: Optional. Configures the statements before the import begins.
    • manager.hooks.before.[].statements: Defines the list of statements.
    • manager.hooks.before.[].wait: Optional. Defines the waiting time after executing the above statements.
  • manager.hooks.after: Optional. Configures the statements after the import is complete.
    • manager.hooks.after.[].statements: Optional. Defines the list of statements.
    • manager.hooks.after.[].wait: Optional. Defines the waiting time after executing the above statements.


  level: INFO
  console: true
    - logs/nebula-importer.log
  • log.level: Optional. Specifies the log level, optional values is DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, PANIC or FATAL. The default value is INFO.
  • log.console: Optional. Specifies whether to print logs to the console. The default value is true.
  • log.files: Optional. Specifies which files to print logs to.


sources is the configuration of the data source list, each data source contains data source information, data processing and schema mapping.

The following are the relevant configuration items.

  • batch specifies the batch size for this source of the inserted data. The priority is greater than manager.batch.
  • path, s3, oss, ftp, sftp, hdfs, and gcs are information configurations of various data sources, and only one of them can be configured.
  • csv describes the csv file format information.
  • tags describes the schema definition for tags.
  • edges describes the schema definition for edges.


It only needs to be configured for local file data sources.

path: ./person.csv
  • path: Required. Specifies the path where the data files are stored. If a relative path is used, the path and current configuration file directory are spliced. Wildcard filename is also supported, for example: ./follower-*.csv, please make sure that all matching files with the same schema.


It only needs to be configured for s3 data sources.

  endpoint: <endpoint>
  region: <region>
  bucket: <bucket>
  key: <key>
  accessKeyID: <Access Key ID>
  accessKeySecret: <Access Key Secret>
  • endpoint: Optional. The endpoint of s3 service, can be omitted if using aws s3.
  • region: Required. The region of s3 service.
  • bucket: Required. The bucket of file in s3 service.
  • key: Required. The object key of file in s3 service.
  • accessKeyID: Optional. The Access Key ID of s3 service. If it is public data, no need to configure.
  • accessKeySecret: Optional. The Access Key Secret of s3 service. If it is public data, no need to configure.


It only needs to be configured for oss data sources.

  endpoint: <endpoint>
  bucket: <bucket>
  key: <key>
  accessKeyID: <Access Key ID>
  accessKeySecret: <Access Key Secret>
  • endpoint: Required. The endpoint of oss service.
  • bucket: Required. The bucket of file in oss service.
  • key: Required. The object key of file in oss service.
  • accessKeyID: Required. The Access Key ID of oss service.
  • accessKeySecret: Required. The Access Key Secret of oss service.


It only needs to be configured for ftp data sources.

  port: 21
  user: <user>
  password: <password>
  path: <path of file>
  • host: Required. The host of ftp service.
  • port: Required. The port of ftp service.
  • user: Required. The user of ftp service.
  • password: Required. The password of ftp service.
  • path: Required. The path of file in the ftp service.


It only needs to be configured for sftp data sources.

  port: 22
  user: <user>
  password: <password>
  keyFile: <keyFile>
  keyData: <keyData>
  passphrase: <passphrase>
  path: <path of file>
  • host: Required. The host of sftp service.
  • port: Required. The port of sftp service.
  • user: Required. The user of sftp service.
  • password: Optional. The password of sftp service.
  • keyFile: Optional. The ssh key file path of sftp service.
  • keyData: Optional. The ssh key file content of sftp service.
  • passphrase: Optional. The ssh key passphrase of sftp service.
  • path: Required. The path of file in the sftp service.


It only needs to be configured for hdfs data sources.

  user: <user>
  servicePrincipalName: <Kerberos Service Principal Name>
  krb5ConfigFile: <Kerberos config file>
  ccacheFile: <Kerberos ccache file>
  keyTabFile: <Kerberos keytab file>
  password: <Kerberos password>
  dataTransferProtection: <Kerberos Data Transfer Protection>
  disablePAFXFAST: false
  path: <path of file>
  • address: Required. The address of hdfs service.
  • user: Optional. The user of hdfs service.
  • servicePrincipalName: Optional. The kerberos service principal name of hdfs service when enable kerberos.
  • krb5ConfigFile: Optional. The kerberos config file of hdfs service when enable kerberos, default is /etc/krb5.conf.
  • ccacheFile: Optional. The ccache file of hdfs service when enable kerberos.
  • keyTabFile: Optional. The keytab file of hdfs service when enable kerberos.
  • password: Optional. The kerberos password of hdfs service when enable kerberos.
  • dataTransferProtection: Optional. The data transfer protection of hdfs service.
  • disablePAFXFAST: Optional. Whether to prohibit the client to use PA_FX_FAST.
  • path: Required. The path of file in the sftp service.


It only needs to be configured for gcs data sources.

  endpoint: <endpoint>
  bucket: <bucket>
  key: <key>
  credentialsFile: <Service account or refresh token JSON credentials file>
  credentialsJSON: <Service account or refresh token JSON credentials>
  withoutAuthentication: <false | true>
  • endpoint: Optional. The endpoint of GCS service.
  • bucket: Required. The bucket of file in GCS service.
  • key: Required. The object key of file in GCS service.
  • credentialsFile: Optional. Path to the service account or refresh token JSON credentials file. Not required for public data.
  • credentialsJSON: Optional. Content of the service account or refresh token JSON credentials file. Not required for public data.
  • withoutAuthentication: Optional. Specifies that no authentication should be used, defaults to false.


batch: 256
  • batch: Optional. Specifies the batch size for this source of the inserted data. The priority is greater than manager.batch.


  delimiter: ","
  withHeader: false
  lazyQuotes: false
  comment: ""
  • delimiter: Optional. Specifies the delimiter for the CSV files. The default value is ",". And only a 1-character string delimiter is supported.
  • withHeader: Optional. Specifies whether to ignore the first record in csv file. The default value is false.
  • lazyQuotes: Optional. If lazyQuotes is true, a quote may appear in an unquoted field and a non-doubled quote may appear in a quoted field.
  • comment: Optional. Specifies the comment character. Lines beginning with the Comment character without preceding whitespace are ignored.


- name: Person
  mode: INSERT
    expr: (Record[1] == "Mahinda" or Record[1] == "Michael") and Record[3] == "male"
    type: "STRING"
    function: "hash"
    index: 0
  ignoreExistedIndex: true
    - name: "firstName"
      type: "STRING"
      index: 1
    - name: "lastName"
      type: "STRING"
      index: 2
    - name: "gender"
      type: "STRING"
      index: 3
      nullable: true
      defaultValue: male
    - name: "birthday"
      type: "DATE"
      index: 4
      nullable: true
      nullValue: _NULL_
    - name: "creationDate"
      type: "DATETIME"
      index: 5
    - name: "locationIP"
      type: "STRING"
      index: 6
    - name: "browserUsed"
      type: "STRING"
      index: 7
      nullable: true
        - 6

# concatItems examples
- name: Person
    type: "STRING"
      - "abc"
      - 1
    function: hash
  • name: Required. The tag name.
  • mode: Optional. The mode for processing data, optional values is INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE, default INSERT.
  • filter: Optional. The data filtering configuration.
  • id: Required. Describes the tag ID information.
    • type: Optional. The type for ID. The default value is STRING.
    • index: Optional. The column number in the records. Required if concatItems is not configured.
    • concatItems: Optional. The concat items to generate for IDs. The concat item can be string, int or mixed. string represents a constant, and int represents an index column. Then connect all items. If set, the above index will have no effect.
    • function: Optional. Functions to generate the IDs. Currently, we only support function hash.
  • ignoreExistedIndex: Optional. Specifies whether to enable IGNORE_EXISTED_INDEX. The default value is true.
  • props: Required. Describes the tag props definition.
    • name: Required. The property name, must be the same with the tag property in NebulaGraph.
    • type: Optional. The property type, currently BOOL, INT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, STRING, TIME, TIMESTAMP, DATE, DATETIME, GEOGRAPHY, GEOGRAPHY(POINT), GEOGRAPHY(LINESTRING) and geography(polygon) are supported. The default value is STRING.
    • index: Required. The column number in the records.
    • nullable: Optional. Whether this prop property can be NULL, optional values is true or false, default false.
    • nullValue: Optional. Ignored when nullable is false. The value used to determine whether it is a NULL. The property is set to NULL when the value is equal to nullValue, default "".
    • alternativeIndices: Optional. Ignored when nullable is false. The property is fetched from records according to the indices in order until not equal to nullValue.
    • defaultValue: Optional. Ignored when nullable is false. The property default value, when all the values obtained by index and alternativeIndices are nullValue.


- name: KNOWS
  mode: INSERT
    expr: (Record[1] == "Mahinda" or Record[1] == "Michael") and Record[3] == "male"
      type: "INT"
      index: 0
      type: "INT"
      index: 1
    index: 0
  ignoreExistedIndex: true
    - name: "creationDate"
      type: "DATETIME"
      index: 2
      nullable: true
      nullValue: _NULL_
      defaultValue: 0000-00-00T00:00:00
  • name: Required. The edge name.
  • mode: Optional. The mode here is similar to mode in the tags above.
  • filter: Optional. The filter here is similar to filter in the tags above.
  • src: Required. Describes the source definition for the edge.
  • Required. The id here is similar to id in the tags above.
  • dst: Required. Describes the destination definition for the edge.
  • Required. The id here is similar to id in the tags above.
  • rank: Optional. Describes the rank definition for the edge.
  • rank.index: Required. The column number in the records.
  • props: Optional. Similar to the props in the tags, but for edges.

See the Configuration Reference for details on the configurations.