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Releases: vaticle/typedb

TypeDB 2.28.2-rc1

22 May 13:35
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Install & Run:

Download from TypeDB Package Repository:

Server only: Distributions for 2.28.2-rc1

Server + Console: Distributions for 2.28.2-rc1

New Features

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

  • Update diagnostics service to version 1
    We introduce an updated version of diagnostics sent from a TypeDB server.

    1. config.yml gets a new field deploymentID for the diagnostics section. This field should be used for collecting the data from multiple servers of a single TypeDB Cloud deployment.
    2. The updated diagnostics data contains more information about the server resources and details for each separate database. More details can be found in the examples below.
    3. For the JSON reporting, we calculated diffs between the current timestamp and the sinceTimestamp (the previous hour when the data had to be sent: it's updated even if we had errors sending the data for simplicity). For the Prometheus data, we send raw counts as Prometheus calculates diffs based on its queries and expects raw diagnostics from our side.
    4. For the JSON monitoring, we show only the incrementing counters from the start of the server just as for the Prometheus diagnostics data (also available through the monitoring page). This way, the content is different from the reporting data.
    5. The schema and data diagnostics about each specific database are sent only from the primary replica of a deployment at the moment of the diagnostics collection. The connection peak values diagnostics regarding a database are still reported by a non-primary replica if the database exists or there were established transactions within the last hour before the database had been deleted.
    6. If the statistics reporting is turned off in the config, we send a totally safe part of the diagnostics data once to notify the server about the moment when the diagnostics were turned off. No user data is shared in this snapshot (see examples below). This action is performed only if the server is up for 1 hour (to avoid our CI tests report data), and only if the server has not successfully sent such a snapshot after turning the statistics reporting off the last time. If there is an error in sending this snapshot, the server will try again after a restart (no extra logic here).

    Example diagnostics data for Prometheus (http://localhost:4104/metrics?format=prometheus):

    # distribution: TypeDB Core
    # version: 2.28.0
    # os: Mac OS X x86_64 14.2.1
    # TYPE server_resources_count gauge
    server_resources_count{kind="memoryUsedInBytes"} 68160245760
    server_resources_count{kind="memoryAvailableInBytes"} 559230976
    server_resources_count{kind="diskUsedInBytes"} 175619862528
    server_resources_count{kind="diskAvailableInBytes"} 1819598303232
    # TYPE typedb_schema_data_count gauge
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="212487319", kind="typeCount"} 74
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="212487319", kind="entityCount"} 2891
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="212487319", kind="relationCount"} 2466
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="212487319", kind="attributeCount"} 5832
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="212487319", kind="hasCount"} 13325
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="212487319", kind="roleCount"} 7984
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="212487319", kind="storageInBytes"} 2164793
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="212487319", kind="storageKeyCount"} 94028
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="3717486", kind="typeCount"} 5
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="3717486", kind="entityCount"} 0
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="3717486", kind="relationCount"} 0
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="3717486", kind="attributeCount"} 0
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="3717486", kind="hasCount"} 0
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="3717486", kind="roleCount"} 0
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="3717486", kind="storageInBytes"} 0
    typedb_schema_data_count{database="3717486", kind="storageKeyCount"} 0
    # TYPE typedb_attempted_requests_total counter
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="CONNECTION_OPEN"} 4
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="DATABASES_ALL"} 4
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="DATABASES_GET"} 4
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="SERVERS_ALL"} 4
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{database="212487319", kind="DATABASES_CONTAINS"} 2
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{database="212487319", kind="SESSION_OPEN"} 2
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{database="212487319", kind="TRANSACTION_EXECUTE"} 70
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{database="212487319", kind="SESSION_CLOSE"} 1
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{database="3717486", kind="DATABASES_CONTAINS"} 2
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{database="3717486", kind="SESSION_OPEN"} 2
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{database="3717486", kind="TRANSACTION_EXECUTE"} 54
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{database="3717486", kind="SESSION_CLOSE"} 1
    # TYPE typedb_successful_requests_total counter
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="CONNECTION_OPEN"} 4
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="DATABASES_ALL"} 4
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="DATABASES_GET"} 4
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="SERVERS_ALL"} 4
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="USER_TOKEN"} 8
    typedb_successful_requests_total{database="212487319", kind="DATABASES_CONTAINS"} 2
    typedb_successful_requests_total{database="212487319", kind="SESSION_OPEN"} 2
    typedb_successful_requests_total{database="212487319", kind="TRANSACTION_EXECUTE"} 67
    typedb_successful_requests_total{database="212487319", kind="SESSION_CLOSE"} 1
    typedb_successful_requests_total{database="3717486", kind="DATABASES_CONTAINS"} 2
    typedb_successful_requests_total{database="3717486", kind="SESSION_OPEN"} 2
    typedb_successful_requests_total{database="3717486", kind="TRANSACTION_EXECUTE"} 47
    typedb_successful_requests_total{database="3717486", kind="SESSION_CLOSE"} 1
    # TYPE typedb_error_total counter
    typedb_error_total{database="3717486", code="TYR03"} 5
    typedb_error_total{database="3717486", code="TXN08"} 2
  • Turn off statistics reporting in CI
    We turn off the --diagnostics.reporting.statistics in our CI builds not to send non-real diagnostics data.

    In version 2.28 and earlier, this flag purely prevents TypeDB from sending any diagnostics data.
    In the upcoming version 2.28.1, this flag still allows TypeDB to send a single diagnostics snapshot with the information of when the diagnostics data has been turned off, but it happens only after the server runs for 1 hour, so we expect the CI builds not to reach this point and not to send any diagnostics data as well.

  • Update

TypeDB 2.28.0

01 May 16:24
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Install & Run:

Download from TypeDB Package Repository:

Server only: Distributions for 2.28.0

Server + Console: Distributions for 2.28.0

New Features

  • Use Rosetta for Intel Mac jobs in Circle CI

    CircleCI is sunsetting its MacOS Intel architecture executors. This PR transitions our Mac x86_64 CI tests to run on ARM executors using Rosetta.

  • Replace licenses with MPL version 2.0

    The release of TypeDB 2.28.0 marks the beginning of the Mozilla Public License (MPL) in the TypeDB stack. MPL is a simpler and more permissive license than AGPL - it encourages sharing of modifications of the source code, while allowing unmodified use in open or proprietary work with minimal restriction. Mozilla's FAQ on the license is an easy entrance on the license.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix application of query bounds through match-fetch queries

    We fix a bug that was revealed when using match-fetch queries with subqueries that had nested patterns. This change now correctly applies 1) filtering to a parent match query so that the right outputs are generated 2) passes the bounds received from a preceding query correctly into all child patterns of subsequent query clauses.

  • Check supertypes of relation when inferring player role types during insert

    Given the following minimal schema:

    player sub entity, plays super-relation:super-role;
    super-relation sub relation, relates super-role;
    sub-relation sub super-relation;

    It was impossible to insert an instance of sub-relation relating a player without explicitly specifying its role:

    > match $player isa player; 
      insert ($player) isa sub-relation; 
    [THW27] Invalid Thing Write: Unable to add role player '$player' to the relation, 
            as there is no provided or inferrable role type.

    The reason for this was that during the handling of the insert query, we check if it can play a role defined directly on the requested relation type, without considering any role types it may have inherited. This PR resolves that issue.

Code Refactors

  • Disable using type information from IID in type inference

    We decide to ignore IID information when performing type inference. This comes from the idea that IIDs are data, and the user may be trying to check whether the data conforms to a specific part of the schema. Previously, this will cause a query to throw an error due to type checking incompatibility, which made common expressions in fetch subqueries very difficult

    Fetching stocks for books that are able to have stock (some subtypes of books do not have stock, such as 'ebook'):

    $x isa book;
    stock: { 
      match $x isa! $t; $t owns stock;
      fetch $x: stock;

    Which will retrieve stock for books, if the polymorphically selected book instance is able to own 'stock' attributes.

    This expression now returns an empty list for instances of books that cannot own stocks instead of returning an error.

Other Improvements

  • Update protocol dependency

  • Update bat file license headers

  • Update windows choco dependencies

  • Sentry transaction: we reintroduce a simple notification task, when diagnostics is enabled, which notifies the diagnostics server of the server ID.

TypeDB 2.28.0-rc0

24 Apr 17:30
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Install & Run:

Download from TypeDB Package Repository:

Server only: Distributions for 2.28.0-rc0

Server + Console: Distributions for 2.28.0-rc0

New Features

Bugs Fixed

  • Check supertypes of relation when inferring player role types during insert

    Given the following minimal schema:

    player sub entity, plays super-relation:super-role;
    super-relation sub relation, relates super-role;
    sub-relation sub super-relation;

    It was impossible to insert an instance of sub-relation relating a player without explicitly specifying its role:

    > match $player isa player; 
      insert ($player) isa sub-relation; 
    [THW27] Invalid Thing Write: Unable to add role player '$player' to the relation, 
            as there is no provided or inferrable role type.

    The reason for this was that during the handling of the insert query, we check if it can play a role defined directly on the requested relation type, without considering any role types it may have inherited. This PR resolves that issue.

Code Refactors

  • Disable using type information from IID in type inference

    We decide to ignore IID information when performing type inference. This comes from the idea that IIDs are data, and the user may be trying to check whether the data conforms to a specific part of the schema. Previously, this will cause a query to throw an error due to type checking incompatibility, which made common expressions in fetch subqueries very difficult

    Fetching stocks for books that are able to have stock (some subtypes of books do not have stock, such as 'ebook'):

    $x isa book;
    stock: { 
      match $x isa! $t; $t owns stock;
      fetch $x: stock;

    Which will retrieve stock for books, if the polymorphically selected book instance is able to own 'stock' attributes.

    This expression now returns an empty list for instances of books that cannot own stocks instead of returning an error.

Other Improvements

  • Update

  • Update protocol dependency

  • Update bat file license headers

  • Replace licenses with MPL version 2.0

  • Update windows choco dependencies

  • Sentry transaction

    We reintroduce a simple notification task, when diagnostics is enabled, which notifies the diagnostics server of the server ID.

TypeDB 2.27.0

25 Mar 10:27
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Install & Run:

Download from TypeDB Package Repository:

Server only: Distributions for 2.27.0

Server + Console: Distributions for 2.27.0

New Features

  • Metrics and diagnostics service

    We introduce a metrics and diagnostics service. The web endpoint is bound at port 4104 by default and exposes metrics formatted for prometheus (http://localhost:4104/metrics?format=prometheus) or as JSON (http://localhost:4104/metrics?format=JSON).

    Example metrics:

    # TypeDB version: TypeDB Core 2.26.6
    # Time zone: Europe/London
    # Java version: Azul Systems, Inc. 11.0.15
    # Platform: Mac OS X aarch64 13.6.3
    # TYPE typedb_attempted_requests_total counter
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="CONNECTION_OPEN"} 625
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="SERVERS_ALL"} 625
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="USER_MANAGEMENT"} 0
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="USER"} 0
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="DATABASE_MANAGEMENT"} 2606
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="DATABASE"} 252
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="SESSION"} 1207
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="TRANSACTION"} 2835
    # TYPE typedb_successful_requests_total counter
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="CONNECTION_OPEN"} 625
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="SERVERS_ALL"} 625
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="USER_MANAGEMENT"} 0
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="USER"} 0
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="DATABASE_MANAGEMENT"} 2606
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="DATABASE"} 252
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="SESSION"} 1207
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="TRANSACTION"} 2755
    # TYPE typedb_current_count gauge
    typedb_current_count{kind="DATABASES"} 2
    typedb_current_count{kind="SESSIONS"} 1
    typedb_current_count{kind="TRANSACTIONS"} 1
    typedb_current_count{kind="USERS"} 0
    # TYPE typedb_error_total counter
    typedb_error_total{code="TXN23"} 2
    typedb_error_total{code="QRY22"} 4
    typedb_error_total{code="TXN19"} 2
    typedb_error_total{code="THR10"} 19

    We also extract the metrics reporter into a separate module within the diagnostics package and redirect it to the dedicated diagnostics service.

  • Redesign schema modification capabilities

    We redesign schema modification to allow much more flexible in-place changes to the database schema. We relax various schema invariants within a schema write transaction, to allow moving and editing schema types on the fly. However, the data is validated against the schema consistency at each step, allowing full and safe use of TypeDB's existing Concept and Query API. Before committing, we can restore schema invariants guided by TypeDB's exceptions API (ConceptManager.getSchemaExceptions()).

    Expected schema migration workflow

    This change facilitates large-scale database schema migration. We expect the following workflow to be adopted:

    1. Open a schema session, and a write transaction. This blocks writes anywhere on the system.
    2. Mutate the schema incrementally. Mutations that expand schema are always possible and cheap, mutations that restrict the schema are validated against the existing data for conformance to the new schema. All schema states you move through must match the current state of the data.
      a. If your data does not fit the new schema state, in 2.x you will get an exception on commit and it will roll back. You must open a data session+transaction to mutate the data into the shape it is expected to be and commit this. Then go back into schema session+transaction and retry the schema mutation.
      b. In TypeDB 3.0 these operations will be possible all within one schema write transaction, smoothing out the schema migration workflow.
    3. To make schema migration simpler, some schema invariants are relaxed within a schema write transaction:
      a. Dangling overrides are allowed: overridden types (... as TYPE) are allowed to refer to types that are not overridable at that place in the schema. This is common when moving a type from one supertype to a different supertype.
      b. Redeclarations are allowed: Declarations of owns, plays, or annotations, may be duplicated in child types. This facilitates moving types from one supertype to a different supertype, or moving declarations up or down the type hierarchy.
      c. Relaxed abstract ownership: Types may own abstract attribute types without themselves being abstract.
    4. All of these invariants must be restored before commit, or the transaction will fail and the changes will be rolled back. To retrieve the set of errors that must be fixed before commit, use the api ConceptManager.getSchemaExceptions() (transaction.concepts().getSchemaExceptions() in most drivers).

    Operations that expand the schema capabilities:

    • Adding a new type
    • Adding a plays or owns
    • Removing an override
    • Removing an annotation
    • Removing abstractness

    Operations that restrict the schema capabilities:

    • Removing a type
    • Removing a plays or owns
    • Adding an override
    • Adding an annotation
    • Adding abstractness

Bugs Fixed

  • Disable monitoring in assembly tests

    Failure to bind a port for the monitoring server for some reason results in a failure of assembly tests on Windows. Disabling monitoring should resolve the issue.

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

  • Fix Owns constraint toString()

  • Update anonymous variable in delete error message

  • Merge release branch back to development after 2.27.0-rc0

    We merge changes in the master branch back to development.

  • Update docs/banner.png for the README file

    Update the banner image in the README file.

  • Update maven artifacts

  • Update typedb-console-runner version

  • Clarify error message on illegal type specifier in query

  • Rename TypeDB Enterprise error to TypeDB Cloud

    Whenever an error message previously referred to TypeDB "Enterprise" edition, it now refers to "Cloud" instead.

TypeDB 2.27.0-rc0

15 Mar 18:08
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Install & Run:

Download from TypeDB Package Repository:

Server only: Distributions for 2.27.0-rc0

Server + Console: Distributions for 2.27.0-rc0

New Features

  • Metrics and diagnostics service

    We introduce a metrics and diagnostics service. The web endpoint is bound at port 4104 by default and exposes metrics formatted for prometheus (http://localhost:4104/metrics?format=prometheus) or as JSON (http://localhost:4104/metrics?format=JSON).

    Example metrics:

    # TypeDB version: TypeDB Core 2.26.6
    # Time zone: Europe/London
    # Java version: Azul Systems, Inc. 11.0.15
    # Platform: Mac OS X aarch64 13.6.3
    # TYPE typedb_attempted_requests_total counter
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="CONNECTION_OPEN"} 625
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="SERVERS_ALL"} 625
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="USER_MANAGEMENT"} 0
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="USER"} 0
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="DATABASE_MANAGEMENT"} 2606
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="DATABASE"} 252
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="SESSION"} 1207
    typedb_attempted_requests_total{kind="TRANSACTION"} 2835
    # TYPE typedb_successful_requests_total counter
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="CONNECTION_OPEN"} 625
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="SERVERS_ALL"} 625
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="USER_MANAGEMENT"} 0
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="USER"} 0
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="DATABASE_MANAGEMENT"} 2606
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="DATABASE"} 252
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="SESSION"} 1207
    typedb_successful_requests_total{kind="TRANSACTION"} 2755
    # TYPE typedb_current_count gauge
    typedb_current_count{kind="DATABASES"} 2
    typedb_current_count{kind="SESSIONS"} 1
    typedb_current_count{kind="TRANSACTIONS"} 1
    typedb_current_count{kind="USERS"} 0
    # TYPE typedb_error_total counter
    typedb_error_total{code="TXN23"} 2
    typedb_error_total{code="QRY22"} 4
    typedb_error_total{code="TXN19"} 2
    typedb_error_total{code="THR10"} 19

    We also extract the metrics reporter into a separate module within the diagnostics package and redirect it to the dedicated diagnostics service.

  • Redesign schema modification capabilities

    We redesign schema modification to allow much more flexible in-place changes to the database schema. We relax various schema invariants within a schema write transaction, to allow moving and editing schema types on the fly. However, the data is validated against the schema consistency at each step, allowing full and safe use of TypeDB's existing Concept and Query API. Before committing, we can restore schema invariants guided by TypeDB's exceptions API (ConceptManager.getSchemaExceptions()).

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

  • Clarify error message on illegal type specifier in query

  • Rename TypeDB Enterprise to TypeDB Cloud

    Whenever an error message previously referred to TypeDB "Enterprise" edition, it now refers to "Cloud" instead.

TypeDB 2.26.6

19 Feb 18:07
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Install & Run:

Download from TypeDB Package Repository:

Server only: Distributions for 2.26.6

Server + Console: Distributions for 2.26.6

New Features

  • Enable Unicode variable names

    We update to TypeQL with Unicode support in both value and concept variables. This makes the following valid TypeQL:

    match $人 isa person, has name "Liu"; get  $人;
    match $אדם isa person, has name "Solomon"; get $אדם;

    This change is fully backwards compatible.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix schema export of overridden plays edge
    Make schema exports consistent with the TypeQL spec of overridden roles in 'plays' declarations being unscoped labels.

  • Fix bug when overriding committed role-types with newly defined role-types
    Fixes a bug which creates an invalid override when a committed role-type is overridden with a newly defined role-type.

  • Fix commit-time cleanup of chains of empty relations

    In cases where chains of empty relations existed, for example r1 -> r2 -> r3... -> rX, it was possible that TypeDB did not correctly execute the automatic relation cleanup due to the order the relations happened to be traversed.

    TypeDB now retries the commit-time cleanup of empty relations until there are no new deletions. We accept the higher runtime cost of this operation since 1) we expect the number of modified relations in a transaction to be relatively small (no more than thousands) 2) relation chains are relatively rare 3) relation chains that must clean up in dependent fashion are extremely rare.

  • Fix apt deployment: correct entry point script

    When assembling a server + console bundle for apt deployment, the console entry point would sometimes override the bundle entry point, making the server inaccessible. We resolve that issue by explicitly filtering out the console entry point during assembly.

Code Refactors

  • Generate persistent server ID

    We update the server ID to be generated once, then persisted into the server's data directory. A fallback ID of of _0 is also used if this fails for any reason.

  • Transition from standalone typedb-common to typeql/common

    We update Bazel dependencies and target paths following the merging of typedb-common into vaticle/typeql (see vaticle/typeql#313).

  • Migrate artifact hosting to cloudsmith
    Updates artifact credentials, and deployment & consumption rules to use cloudsmith ( instead of the self-hosted sonatype repository (

  • Improve error message when using anonymous variable in delete query

    We now throw an explicit error message when a user tries to delete a 'thing' variable that is not named.
    For example:

    match $x isa person;
    delete $x has name 'John';

    Will now explicitly throw an exception saying that the 'delete' variables must be matched first.

  • Disable diagnostics in Docker and Assembly tests

    We disable diagnostics in Docker and Assembly tests. This also required allow the TypeDB Runner library to accept and transmit arguments to the binary it boots.

  • Ingest binary and test-runner package from common

    We bring in the binary package and test-runner from typedb-common. typedb-runner is deployed to maven such that we can safely depend on it from other repos without creating Bazel dependency cycles.

  • Improve fatal error handling and shutdown

    We streamline the error handling infrastructure by requiring all TypeDBExceptions have an associated error code, avoiding simple wrappers of Java or Storage exceptions without any context. We also ensure that all errors originating in TypeDB, such as TypeQL parser errors, are wrapped in TypeDBExceptions.

    The result is the following invariant:

    • TypeDB will always throw either unexpected Java exceptions, or TypeDBExceptions
    • All TypeDBExceptions have error messages and therefore error codes

    Additionally, Diagnostics are now implemented via a Singleton in order to inject different error reporting for TypeDB Core or Cloud. This means that all tests must now initialise a Diagnostics singleton to no-op via Diagnostics.initialiseNoop() before executing.

Other Improvements

  • Pin CircleCI Ubuntu image to a specifici Ubuntu 20.04 release

  • Explicitly install python tool dependencies

    Since the upgrade to rules-python v0.24 (vaticle/dependencies#460), we are required to explicitly install python dependencies in the WORKSPACE file. The python tools happened to be unused, so these errors were not visible until the sync dependencies tool was restored.

  • Sync dependencies in CI

    We add a sync-dependencies job to be run in CI after successful snapshot and release deployments. The job sends a request to vaticle-bot to update all downstream dependencies.

    Note: this PR does not update the dependencies repo dependency. It will be updated automatically by the bot during its first pass.

  • //ci:sync-dependencies: Set up CI filters for master-development workflow

  • Catch any exceptions during error diagnostics configuration

  • Diagnostics can be re-initialised to facilitate in-memory tests

  • Disable diagnostics in Reasoner benchmarks and Reasoner behaviour tests

  • Fix negated traversals so filters apply after the negation
    Fixes a bug where the get clause filtered out concepts before the negation was applied. This lead to the negation being evaluated without that variable being bound.

  • Shorten diagnostic ID to 16 hex chars

TypeDB 2.26.6-rc1

31 Jan 16:01
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Install & Run:

Download from TypeDB Package Repository:

Server only: Distributions for 2.26.6-rc1

Server + Console: Distributions for 2.26.6-rc1

New Features

  • Enable Unicode variable names

    We update to TypeQL with Unicode support in both value and concept variables. This makes the following valid TypeQL:

    match $人 isa person, has name "Liu"; get  $人;
    match $אדם isa person, has name "Solomon"; get $אדם;

    This change is fully backwards compatible.

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

  • Generate persistent server ID

    We update the server ID to be generated once, then persisted into the server's data directory. A fallback ID of of _0 is also used if this fails for any reason.

  • Transition from standalone typedb-common to typeql/common

    We update Bazel dependencies and target paths following the merging of typedb-common into vaticle/typeql (see vaticle/typeql#313).

  • Migrate artifact hosting to cloudsmith
    Updates artifact credentials, and deployment & consumption rules to use cloudsmith ( instead of the self-hosted sonatype repository (

  • Improve error message when using anonymous variable in delete query

    We now throw an explicit error message when a user tries to delete a 'thing' variable that is not named.
    For example:

    match $x isa person;
    delete $x has name 'John';

    Will now explicitly throw an exception saying that the 'delete' variables must be matched first.

  • Disable diagnostics in Docker and Assembly tests

    We disable diagnostics in Docker and Assembly tests. This also required allow the TypeDB Runner library to accept and transmit arguments to the binary it boots.

  • Ingest binary and test-runner package from common

    We bring in the binary package and test-runner from typedb-common. typedb-runner is deployed to maven such that we can safely depend on it from other repos without creating Bazel dependency cycles.

  • Improve fatal error handling and shutdown

    We streamline the error handling infrastructure by requiring all TypeDBExceptions have an associated error code, avoiding simple wrappers of Java or Storage exceptions without any context. We also ensure that all errors originating in TypeDB, such as TypeQL parser errors, are wrapped in TypeDBExceptions.

    The result is the following invariant:

    • TypeDB will always throw either unexpected Java exceptions, or TypeDBExceptions
    • All TypeDBExceptions have error messages and therefore error codes

    Additionally, Diagnostics are now implemented via a Singleton in order to inject different error reporting for TypeDB Core or Cloud. This means that all tests must now initialise a Diagnostics singleton to no-op via Diagnostics.initialiseNoop() before executing.

Other Improvements

  • Explicitly install python tool dependencies

    Since the upgrade to rules-python v0.24 (vaticle/dependencies#460), we are required to explicitly install python dependencies in the WORKSPACE file. The python tools happened to be unused, so these errors were not visible until the sync dependencies tool was restored.

  • Sync dependencies in CI

    We add a sync-dependencies job to be run in CI after successful snapshot and release deployments. The job sends a request to vaticle-bot to update all downstream dependencies.

    Note: this PR does not update the dependencies repo dependency. It will be updated automatically by the bot during its first pass.

  • //ci:sync-dependencies: Set up CI filters for master-development workflow

  • Catch any exceptions during error diagnostics configuration

  • Diagnostics can be re-initialised to facilitate in-memory tests

  • Disable diagnostics in Reasoner benchmarks and Reasoner behaviour tests

  • Fix negated traversals so filters apply after the negation
    Fixes a bug where the get clause filtered out concepts before the negation was applied. This lead to the negation being evaluated without that variable being bound.

  • Shorten diagnostic ID to 16 hex chars

TypeDB 2.26.3

08 Jan 22:39
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New Features

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix fetch sub-query aggregation null pointer

    We fix a bug where a Fetch query with a Get-Aggregate subquery that returned an empty (ie. undefined) answer throw a null pointer exception.

    For example this used to error if 'Alice' doesn't have any salaries in the database, since a 'sum' is undefined for 0 entries.

    $x isa person, has name $n; $n == "Alice";
    $n as "name";
    total-salary: {
      match $x has salary $s;
      get $s; 
      sum $s;

    We now return the following JSON structure

        "name": {"value": "Alice",  "type":  {"label": "name", "root": "attribute", "value_type": "string"}},
        "total-salary": null

Code Refactors

Other Improvements

  • Implement server diagnostics

    We implement completely anonymous diagnostics reporting in TypeDB Core using Sentry. This includes sending unexpected system errors and expected user errors to the backend reporting system. We also submit occasional system status updates for number of databases/database size (daily) and periodically profile a transaction. This instrumentation should help get real-world usage and error analysis to help guide the development and efforts in TypeDB.

    Error and diagnostic reporting can be completely disabled in the configuration file by setting:

        enable: false

    or booting the server with --diagnostics.reporting.enable=false.

TypeDB 2.26.0

15 Dec 15:27
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API Changes

This version is backwards compatible at the network and data-storage layers.

The console connection command for TypeDB command has changed. Please use:

typedb console --core=<uri>

instead of

typedb console --server=<uri>

Note that leaving out the argument --core=<uri> will default to --core= localhost:1729.

New Features

  • Update dependencies: rules_rust 0.31, updated typedb-common runners

    We update dependencies to make the changes transitively available to TypeDB Cloud.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fetch query can infer fetched attributes

    We fix #6952 , by allowing attribute fetching to trigger reasoning. For example;


    rule has-name: when { $x isa person; } then { $x has name "John"; };

    Then the query:

    match $x isa person;
    fetch $x: name;

    Can now retrieve name "John" as part of the fetch response.

  • Update assembly tests to use new console flags

    Update assembly tests to use new --core=<address> flag in place of the old --server=<address>.

  • Null checks in TypeService

    We expand null checking in transaction TypeService, which is used for handling Concept API type requests. This replaces the uninformative NPE with a Missing Concept error message.

Code Refactors

  • Update Console artifact: Cloud connection rename

    We update the console artifact to make it transitively available to the TypeDB Cloud distribution. The principal change in Console is the updated CLI flag to connect to a Cloud instance (--cloud rather than --enterprise).

  • Update entry point runner for better UX

    We update to the updated entry point for the assembled TypeDB Core, which omits console from the usage help if it is not present to avoid confusion. See #6942 for more details.

    The command to boot up the server (unchanged):

    typedb server --server.address=<address>

    The command to boot up the console:

    typedb console --core=<address>

    We also improve the UX of the windows version of the entry point. Console no longer opens in a new window, --help is printed inline as expected, and in the event of the server failure, the logs are displayed to the user. See vaticle/typedb-common#158 for more details.

  • Fetch output format update: attribute type includes "value_type"

    We update the serializiation schema of TypeQL Fetch query outputs: attribute type serialization now includes its value_type. This change makes the output symmetric between raw values and attributes:

    "raw_value": { "value": "...", "value_type": "string" },
    "attribute": { "value": "...", "type": { "label": "T", "value_type": "string", "root": "attribute" } }

Other Improvements

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update the readme file: fix TypeQL link

    Update the readme to fix the TypeQL link.

  • Fix broken forum badge

    The goal of this PR is to address a broken forum badge caused by a change in Discourse's statistics endpoint.

TypeDB 2.25.7

17 Nov 11:17
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New Features

  • Bundle TypeDB Console with improved error messages

  • Ignore data directories that aren't TypeDB databases

    TypeDB ignores directories in its configured 'data' directory that do not contain the subdirectories 'data' and 'schema'. In the past, the any directory was loaded as a TypeDB database, which could cause the server to crash on bootup.

    This should help with OS-created directories in some system (such as Lost+Found), or users' debugging directories.

Bugs Fixed

Code Refactors

  • Improve define error message when role type doesn't exist

Other Improvements

  • Remove sonarcloud dependencies

  • Simplify Github templates