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Releases: vapor/fluent-sqlite-driver

4.7.3 - Log transaction start and end queries

29 May 17:15
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What's Changed

Log transaction start and end queries by @gwynne in #95

We now route transaction control queries through the SQLKit interface so they get logged properly. This matches the existing behavior of the Postgres driver.

This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog: 4.7.2...4.7.3

4.7.2 - Shut down the driver's connection pool safely

24 May 10:56
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What's Changed

Shut down the driver's connection pool safely by @gwynne in #94

Specifically, don’t use the soft-deprecated AsyncKit API that calls EventLoopFuture.wait() internally; use the one that at least does it with Dispatch (best we can do without changing Fluent’s driver interface).

This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog: 4.7.1...4.7.2

4.7.1 - Allow using DatabaseSchema.deleteField(_:)` with SQLite

16 May 20:13
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What's Changed

Allow using DatabaseSchema.deleteField(_:)` with SQLite by @gwynne in #92

SQLite has supported ALTER TABLE ... DROP COLUMN ... since SQLite 3.35.0, so Fluent no longer needs to restrict this functionality. Fixes #91 - thanks to @wojexe for reporting!

Also fixes a DocC warning and updates dependency requirements.

This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog: 4.7.0...4.7.1

4.7.0 - Leverage improvements in SQLKit, SQLiteNIO, and SQLiteKit

15 May 12:12
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What's Changed

Leverage improvements in SQLKit, SQLiteNIO, and SQLiteKit by @gwynne in #90

Several improvements:

  • Swift minimum version is now 5.8, minimum dependency versions updated
  • Sendable and ExistentialAny correctness
  • README and docs cleanup, updated CI
  • Added support for custom JSON encoders and decoders
  • Added working support for setting the query logging level
  • Most operations are now routed through SQLiteKit rather than duplicating code, making behavior more consistent (and very slightly faster)
  • The new extended SQLite errors are now supported correctly (DatabaseError.isConstraintFailure works again).
  • The maxConnectionsPerEventLoop setting is now ignored, as increasing it beyond 1 increases thread contention with no additional parallelism.
This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog: 4.6.0...4.7.0

4.6.0 - Miscellaneous tidying

19 Oct 17:07
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What's Changed

Miscellaneous tidying by @gwynne in #88

Minimum Swift version has been bumped to 5.7 to match Vapor and Fluent; everything else is cosmetic or behind the scenes.


Thanks to the reviewers for their help:

This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog: 4.5.0...4.6.0

4.5.0 - Update for the nested subpath changes in FluentKit

11 Jul 07:56
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This patch was authored and released by @gwynne.

vapor/fluent-kit#572 takes advantage of the new support added to SQLKit in vapor/sql-kit#169, so remove the obsolete legacy support here.

Also does some minor tidying.

(Note: Since we now depend on a version of FluentKit that is multiple minor versions newer than before, this must also be semver-minor.) #87

Update min Swift version to 5.6 and make platform versions consistent

14 Apr 01:01
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Add experimental support for watchOS

27 Feb 14:52
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This patch was authored by @hyouuu and released by @0xTim.

Adds watchOS adds a target platform to enable it to be built for that platform.

Note: watchOS support is very much experimental and not currently a supported platform, though there is no reason why it shouldn't work

Drop support for Swift 5.4

12 Nov 11:15
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This patch was authored and released by @gwynne.

Minimum supported version is now Swift 5.5.

Also includes the same upgrades to CI as those found in vapor/sqlite-kit#100 (most notably, adding the API breakage check and code coverage).

Explicitly handle a custom ID key set to the empty string

13 Jun 16:14
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This patch was authored and released by @gwynne.

Treat it as meaning not to retrieve an inserted ID value. This is in support of upcoming FluentKit feature work.