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Microservice: consumer-producer-service

This is a demo microservice for the consumers-producers currently accessing atomic counter.

Tech stack used:

  1. Java 8
  2. Spring Boot 2.4.2
  3. Spring REST API (Spring Web)
  4. Lombok 1.18.16
  5. Spring Data JPA & MySQL-8
  6. Dockerized (docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile is included)
  7. TDD approach using JUnit 5, Mockito, and Spring Boot Test
  8. Spring boot starter validation for request validation

Steps to run micro-service along with MySQL as containers in docker using docker compose:

Step 1: Open the terminal (or) Command Prompt
Step 2: Enter the project directory,
cd <project_directory>
Step 3: To clean and package the micro-service locally
mvnw clean package
Step 4: Use docker compose to build and run both MySQL & micro-service as a docker containers:
docker-compose up --build

Note: Above docker compose command will run the containers namely,

  1. ekar-mysql container for mysql and its port is 3306
  2. ekar-producer-consumer-service container for microservice and its port is 8080

OpenAPI 3.0 Documentation URL:

API_Documentation img missing Note: Also Postman Collection has been pushed into the repository for your reference.

MySQL Database CLI to verify the transaction information:


Docker has to be there on the host machine

Step 1: Open a new terminal (or) new Command Prompt (without disturbing the earlier one)
Step 2: Connect to ekar-mysql container using docker cli command,
docker exec -it ekar-mysql /bin/bash
Step 3: Connect to mysql server
mysql -usa -ppassword -h localhost -P3306
Step 4: Display all the available databases,
show databases;
Step 5: Switch to ekardb
use ekardb;
Step 6: List all the available tables
show tables;
Step 7: Run the select queries to verify the data
select * from request_log; select * from counter_log;

Note: Preserve this state until you complete your testing.

Step 8: Exit from the mysql cli
Step 9: Exit from the mysql container

MySQL CLI Output

Program outputs

Less consumers and more producers

Less consumers and more producers

More consumers and less producers

More consumers and less producers

Equal consumers and producers

Equal consumers and producers