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Fullstack project made with NodeJS, Express, GraphQL and React

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Hillside Hotel

This a full-stack web app for a fictional hotel created with MySQL, Express, NodeJS, React. It’s a re-implementation of another college project but this time more organized and with different technologies.

🎯 Goal

The goal was single-page CRUD app that communicates with a backend through a GraphQL API and does something useful (making hotel reservations).

🔍 Why?

I made this to understand better how to do client-side rendering since the original project was done using server-side rendering in vanilla PHP.

Backend Frontend
🟢 The backend is written in Javascript (should have used Typescript 😭): NodeJS with Express.
🟢 I used Sequelize as ORM for working with MySQL and a simple GraphQL library graphql-http
🟢 The frontend is done in React, nothing extra.
🟢 I used @apollo/client to manage GraphQL operations and caching. For the looks of the web app I used Bootstrap v5.3

Run locally

See the last below



🎦 Youtube Link



What I’ve learned (re-learned)

🌐 GraphQL

GraphQL is an alternative to REST APIs where a client can specify exactly what data it needs from an API

  • graphql-http made writing a GraphQL API quite easy.
  • defined the types for each resource used (reservations, users etc.) – this is done in ./api/src/graphql/types/
  • defined what can you do on client-side: query or mutate data – this is done in ./api/src/graphql/queries/ and ./api/src/graphql/mutations/
  • Usually, resolvers (the functions that complete the query/mutation) are in different subdirectories but I placed them in the same file as the query / mutation because it was easier and they are pretty short.

🗄️ MySQL & Sequelize

  • already familiar with SQL from college and with Laravel’s Eloquent (the main ideas)
  • define Sequelize models for each table in my DB, this is done in ./api/src/models/ (also helped me with validation since they have some built-in functions)
  • created migrations to create / drop tables and seeders to put some dummy data into the database for a demo.
  • refreshed my memory on sql isolation levels — it was important to not have 2 users who book the same room. I used serializable isolation level to do that.

🐳 Docker

  • containerized the web app:
    • backend | frontend | DB | StripeCLI (this is used so Webhooks run on localhost)
  • learned to use docker-compose:
    • mounted host volume so the changes made to the code from host are synced
    • used ENV files for sensitive information
    • extended the base docker-compose.yml
    • health-check for mysql (wait for MySQL service to finish starting before starting the backend)

🔑 Authorization & Authentification

  • done with JWT (jsonwebtoken)
  • created some simple middleware for handling tokens: ./api/middleware/
  • passwords are hashed with BCrypt

💳 Stripe integration

  • used a Stripe test account for fake payments (to complete a reservation)
  • used Stripe webhooks to listen for checkout expiration and cancel the reservation (set the status in DB)
  • manually expire the checkout sesssion if user cancels reservation (no returns for now, maybe in the future)

📧 Sending Emails

  • used nodemailer for sending emails (confirm email for signing up and sending the stripe checkout link)
  • an email is sent to user when signing up to confirm the email address before continuing with the signup (choosing username/password)
    • The email contains a link with a JWT (that expires in 2h) as a query parameter which has the email so I can pass it to the backend
  • an email is sent with the stripe checkout link when a reservation is created — this is because the user can go back from the checkout page (and i didn’t want to store the link in DB)

🖼️ UI

  • learned to use some basic React hooks like useState and useEffect for managing state
  • refreshed memory on some Bootstrap basics (no custom SCSS)

🚀 Apollo GraphQL Client

  • used Apollo Client (for React) for state management of graphql data
  • learned to do queries and migrations (with variables), updating local cache

📷 Storing Images

  • From admin side you can change which image is used for a room type
    • because I use graphql-http, I can send only basic things like strings / numbers
    • the images are encoded in Base64 on client side and sent to server as a string
    • on server side I decode the images and save them to a public folder

Run Locally

  1. You need a stripe account (for the test payments) and a gmail account to send emails (or other email provider). Contact me for demo secret keys if you dont want to create accounts.
  2. git clone
  3. You need to edit .env file: ./.env.example
    • Rename env file:

      cp .env.example .env
    • You need to add stripe secret keys to ./.env (STRIPE_SECRET_KEY, STRIPE_WEBHOOK_KEY) and email credentials (EMAIL_USERNAME, EMAIL_PASSWORD).

  • Option 1: contact me for those
  • Option 2: create a stripe account and add your secret key and webhook key (from here) to ./.env . Create a gmail account, add 2fa and generate an app password (article here, at the end)
  1. Run
docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.yml up
  1. Wait for the services to start and go to http://localhost:8081/ (if you didn’t change the port)
    1. Normal user/password: user/12345
    2. Admin: admin/admin


Fullstack project made with NodeJS, Express, GraphQL and React







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