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Releases: utkarsh9891/PackageSync

User can choose whether to sync user settings of PackageSync

23 Mar 18:31
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This option is being provided on demand from multiple users. But do use this with extreme Caution.

Reduced logging for debug logs

14 Mar 20:49
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Added the debug option to PackageSync.sublime-settings to reduce the logs generated by PackageSync to only error logs.

Added support for online syncing of packages & user settings

27 Jul 19:47
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Added support for Sublime Text 2

16 Jul 18:22
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PackageSync now supports Sublime Text 2 as well.

Do note that not all Sublime Text 3 packages are compatible with Sublime Text 2. So asses the backup taken form Sublime Text 3 properly before backward restore operation.

Preserve existing packages during restore operation

08 Jul 09:07
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PackageSync now allows user to determine if they want to preserve or overwrite the existing packages during restore operation. This is controlled via the setting preserve_packages.

Bug Fix

07 Jul 13:20
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Bug Fixes:

  1. Package Control.sublime-settings was not being restored:
    Fix: The restore operation for this file would be performed in a delayed manner in order to allow installation of missing/new packages.

Feature to Come:
The next release would be published soon. It would allow users to restore from existing backups without the worry of already present packages getting removed.
This was currently a limitation of PackageSync that had not yet crossed my mind.

Bug fixes for restore operation

06 Jul 14:13
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Bug Fixes:

  • PackageSync was getting removed upon restoring to fresh machine:
    Fix: PackageSync would always be a part of the sync operation.
  • Restore from folder always user default path of user desktop:
    Fix: Now default path is used if prompt is off & path provided in settings is false.
  • User settings for PackageSync were getting removed upon restore:
    Fix: PackageSync now ensures that the user settings for itself are maintained across sync operations.

Restructured file inclusion & exclusion list

02 Jul 20:18
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File inclusion & exclusion list has been restructured.

By default, files of the following format are included:

  • .sublime- (with the exclusion of *.sublime-package)
  • *.tmLanguage
  • *.tmTheme
  • *.tmPreferences
  • *.json
  • *.png
  • *.txt
  • *.py
  • *.md

By default, files of the following format are ignored:

  • *.sublime-package (The packages are installed via Package Control when restoring the backup.)
  • *.DS_Store
  • Package Control.last-run
  • Package
  • Package
  • Package Control.system-ca-bundle

This has been done in order to help users sync their custom packages as well
as to cater to the requirements of other packages.

Added additional file-types for inclusion

01 Jul 19:37
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Following file types are now also included by default when syncing:

  • *.sublime-mousemap
  • *.json
  • *.py
  • *.md
  • *.txt

Added support for user-defined backup location

21 Jun 20:56
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The package now supports user defined settings for location to backup from or restore to.

Also, user now has the ability to provide a separate location for each backup/restore operation. For this, the setting prompt_for_location needs to be turned on.

Additionally, the ability to ignore specific files (ignore_files), ignore specific directories (ignore_dirs) & a restriction to the types of files that can be synced (include_files) has also been added. This setting is also user configurable.

Read the documentation for more details.