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Todo MD

❗ Extension does NOT conform to the todo.txt spec.


webview demo

By default works for files with names, & (Can be configured with todomd.activatePattern setting).




Nested projects are ok +Project\nested but at the same time they do not get treated differently in any way.




#tag1 #tag2


Priority is a single UPPERCASE letter surrounded by round brackets. It can be (A-Z). Only the first 6 (A-F) have unique colors though.


Special {tag:value} pairs


List of special tags:

tag description example
f Favorite {f}
due Due date {due:2020-05-15}
overdue Oldest overdue date (only for recurring tasks). Added automatically. {overdue:2020-05-15}
cm Completion date {cm:2020-05-15}
cr Creation date {cr:2020-05-15}
h (hidden) Task is not visible in Tree Views and webview (unless due) {h}
c (collapsed) State of folding in Tree View or webview for nested tasks {c}
count Instead of completing the task increases count by 1. When the number matches the goal - the task is considered completed {count:0/3}
start Datetime when task was started {start:2021-04-08T16:17:15}
duration After completing task with {start} tag - calculate task duration {duration:1h2m}

Recurring due date

Recurring due dates should not be archived and their completion state should be reset every day.

# Recurring due date that is due every monday:
# Short form:
# Recurring date that is due every 2nd day (starting date required)
# Recurring date that is due every 2nd month at the 31th (or last day of the month if it has less than 31 days)
# Recurring date that is due every 2nd year at the last day of Feb

Multiple recurring due dates ,

# Is due every Sunday and Monday


Comment is not considered a task. It starts with a sharp sign # followed by a space.

# comment

Filter (In Tasks Tree View and Webview View)

  • #tag - tag
  • +project - project
  • @context - context
  • $A - Priority
  • >$C - Priority range (here it matches $A, $B, $C)
  • $done - Completed task
  • $due - Due or Overdue task
  • $overdue - Overdue task
  • $upcoming - Task with due date, that is not due (equal to this filter: -$noDue -$due)
  • $recurring - Recurring tasks
  • $hidden - Task with {h} special tag
  • $favorite - Task with {f} special tag
  • $started - Not completed task with {start:...} tag
  • $noDue - Due date is specified in any way
  • $noProject - Task with no projects
  • $noTag - Task with no tags
  • $noContext - Task with no contexts
  • TEXT_TO_SEARCH - Search in raw text (anything in the line)
  • "TEXT_TO_SEARCH" - Search only in task title (not in special entities, like tag or project)
  • -#tag - (Negation) Task doesn't contain tag #tag

Commands (44)

Command Description
todomd.toggleComment Todo MD: Toggle comment. Ctrl/Cmd+/ (Only when in file)
todomd.toggleTagsTreeViewSorting Todo MD: Toggle Tags Tree View Sorting
todomd.toggleProjectsTreeViewSorting Todo MD: Toggle Projects Tree View Sorting
todomd.toggleContextsTreeViewSorting Todo MD: Toggle Contexts Tree View Sorting
todomd.showWebviewSettings Todo MD: Show Webview Settings
todomd.webview.pickSort Sort
todomd.webview.toggleShowRecurringUpcoming Todo MD: Toggle setting to show recurring upcoming tasks in webview.
todomd.focusTasksWebviewAndInput Todo MD: Supports arguments {"selectInputText": boolean, "fillInputValue": string}
todomd.collapseAllNestedTasks Todo MD: Collapse all nested tasks.
todomd.expandAllTasks Todo MD: Expand all tasks.
todomd.incrementPriority Todo MD: Increment priority
todomd.decrementPriority Todo MD: Decrement priority
todomd.toggleDone Todo MD: Alt+D - Toggle Done (Completion)
todomd.hideTask Todo MD: Hide the Task
todomd.deleteTask Todo MD: Delete the Task
todomd.addTaskToDefaultFile Todo MD: Add a Task to DEFAULT file
todomd.addTaskToActiveFile Todo MD: Add a Task to ACTIVE file
todomd.sortByDefault Todo MD: Sort by Due Date & Priority (default sort)
todomd.sortByPriority Todo MD: Sort by Priority
todomd.sortByProject Todo MD: Sort by Project
todomd.sortByTag Todo MD: Sort by Tag
todomd.sortByContext Todo MD: Sort by Context
todomd.sortByCreationDate Todo MD: Sort by Creation Date
todomd.sortByDueDate Todo MD: Sort by Due Date
todomd.sortByCompletionDate Todo MD: Sort by Completion Date
todomd.setDueDate Todo MD: Helper command to set due date relative to now. Docs
todomd.setDate Todo MD: Set date
todomd.archiveCompletedTasks Todo MD: Move completed tasks to Archive file
todomd.startTask Todo MD: Start task (when completed adds {duration} special tag)
todomd.toggleFavorite Todo MD: Toggle Favorite ({f} special tag).
todomd.openDefaultFile Todo MD: Open default file
todomd.openDefaultArchiveFile Todo MD: Open default Archive file
todomd.openSomedayFile Todo MD: Open Someday file
todomd.createSimilarTask Todo MD: Create similar task (same tags, projects, contexts).
todomd.completeTask Todo MD: Complete a Task
todomd.getNextTask Todo MD: Get due task from main file. If none are due - get one with the highest priority.
todomd.getFewNextTasks Todo MD: Get several tasks. Due tasks are on top.
todomd.getRandomTask Todo MD: Get random task
todomd.applyFilterToTreeView Todo MD: Apply Filter
todomd.clearTreeViewFilter Todo MD: Clear Filter
todomd.resetAllRecurringTasks Todo MD: Reset all Recurring tasks
todomd.followLink Todo MD: Follow link
todomd.removeOverdue Todo MD: Remove overdue
todomd.moveToSomeday Todo MD: Move to Someday file

Settings (62)

Todo MD extension settings start with todomd.

Setting Default Description
webview.showCompleted true Whether completed tasks are shown or not in the webview.
webview.completedStrikeThrough false Whether completed tasks should have a line drawn on them in the webview.
webview.showRecurringCompleted true Whether recurring completed tasks are shown or not in the webview.
webview.showRecurringUpcoming true Whether recurring upcoming (not due) tasks are shown or not in the webview.
webview.showPriority true Controls whether priority is shown in the webview.
webview.showCheckbox true Controls whether checkbox is shown in the webview.
webview.showNestedTaskCount false Controls whether nested tasks indicator (like 0/10) is shown in the webview.
webview.showTaskDetails false When true - show box on the bottom of the webview that shows selected task details.
webview.notificationsEnabled false When true - show notification after some actions (like task completion) in a webview.
webview.fontSize "15px" Controls font size in the webview. CSS Units
webview.fontFamily "..." Controls font family in the webview. CSS Units
webview.lineHeight 1.4 Controls line height in the webview.
webview.padding "2px" Controls top & bottom padding. CSS Units
webview.indentSize "1.8em" Controls visual indent of nested elements in a webview.
webview.customCheckboxEnabled true Whether checkbox is rendered as native input element or a custom styled element.
webview.autoShowSuggest true Show autocomplete when typing. (When disabled suggest can be called by Ctrl+Space)
webview.focusFilterInputOnClick true Focus filter input after clicking(selecting) any task.
webview.customCSSPath "" Absolute path to custom CSS for the webview.
webview.tagStyles {} Set different color for any tag in a webview.
defaultFile "" Absolute path to file that Tree Views or commands use when no editor is open that matches #todomd.activatePattern#.
Pick default file. Supports using ${workspaceFolder} variable substitution.
defaultArchiveFile "" Absolute path to file that all archived tasks will be moved to.
Pick archive file. Supports using ${workspaceFolder} variable substitution.
defaultSomedayFile "" Absolute path to file that is used as the "someday" file.
Pick someday file
durationIncludeSeconds false When enabled - duration (editor, hover) includes seconds.
autoArchiveTasks false When enabled - will move tasks to archive file (on completion).
confirmTaskDelete "always" Show confirmation when deleting task from Tree View or Webview.
activatePattern "**/{todo,someday,todo.archive}.md" Choose files that extension will operate on. By default activated on 3 files (, & Uses Glob. Examples:
Activate on any (.txt) file - **/*.txt.
Activate only on single file (todo.txt) - **/todo.txt
Activate on 2 files (todo.txt or task.txt) - **/{todo,task}.txt
getNextNumberOfTasks 5 Number of tasks returned by getFewNextTasks command.
sortTagsView "alphabetic" Controls tags Tree View sorting.
sortProjectsView "alphabetic" Controls projects Tree View sorting.
sortContextsView "alphabetic" Controls contexts Tree View sorting.
sortNestedTasks "default" Controls nested tasks sorting in Tree Views.
suggestItems {} This extension will only autocomplete tags/projects/contexts located in 1 file. This setting allows you to add items and their description(markdown) to autocomplete in all files (where extension is active). Examples: #tag, +project, @context.
counterBadgeEnabled false Shows small badge to show a number of times the tag/project/context is present in the active document.
progressChartEnabled true Controls whether editor nested task decoration (pie chart) is shown or not.
progressBackground "#c6cdd3" Editor decoration for nested tasks progress (pie chart) background.
progressForeground "#0077AA" Editor decoration for nested tasks progress (pie chart) foreground.
mainStatusBarItem {...} Configure appearance/behavior of main status bar item (shows next task to complete).
progressStatusBarItem {...} Configure appearance/behavior of the progress status bar item (shows only when active text editor matches #todomd.activatePattern#) with text format: 1/3 33%.
addCreationDate false When creating a task add creation date to it: {cr:2020-04-30}
completionDateIncludeDate true Whether to include date when completing a task: {cm} vs {cm:2020-04-30}
completionDateIncludeTime false When completing a task add date and time: {cm:2020-04-30T09:11:17}
creationDateIncludeTime false When creating a task add date and time: {cr:2020-04-30T09:11:17}
closestDueDateIncludeWeekday false When enabled - editor decoration that shows number of days to the due date adds the weekday name.
autoBumpRecurringOverdueDate false When completing overdue recurring task - replace the starting date with today's date.
isDev false For emulating dev mode. Most likely of no use to anyone, except the extension author.
tabSize 4 Number used for parsing nested tasks when indentation cannot be guessed (file is not opened in editor).
savedFilters [] Filters that you can pick when applying a filter.
treeViews [] Add more tree views with predefined filters.
treeView.showBadge true Whether or not to show due tasks counter badge for tree view container.
treeView.useVscodeCheckboxApi true When checked - will use vscode api to show checkboxes microsoft/vscode#116141.
labelDueSymbol "📗 " Prefix for task that is due in labels (tree view, notification, modal, quick pick).
labelNotDueSymbol "📅 " Prefix for task that that is not due in labels (tree view, notification, modal, quick pick).
labelOverdueSymbol "📕 " Prefix for task that is overdue in labels (tree view, notification, modal, quick pick).
labelInvalidDueSymbol "🟣 " Prefix for task that has invalid due date in labels (tree view, notification, modal, quick pick).
labelFavorite " ❤️ " Label shown when task has favorite {f} special tag. (tree view, notification, modal, quick pick)
labelShowItems true Show projects/tags/contexts in labels (tree view, notification, modal, quick pick).
useBoldTextInLabels true Show projects/tags/contexts in labels in BOLD.
completedStrikeThrough true Show strike-through text decoration for completed tasks in editor.
setDueDateThisWeekDay "Friday" Week day when using set due date command or suggest SET_DUE_THIS_WEEK.
setDueDateNextWeekDay "Friday" Week day when using set due date command or suggest SET_DUE_NEXT_WEEK.
commentFormat {"start":"# ", "end":""} Choose comment symbols (only works at the beginning of the line).
decorations {...} Advanced text editor decoration tweaking. docs

Colors (21)

Can be specified in settings.json (workbench.colorCustomizations section)

Color Dark Light HC Description
todomd.favoriteTaskBackground #f62caf18 #f62caf18 #f62caf18 Entire line background color for favorite tasks {f}.
todomd.commentForeground #b4b4b4 #b4b4b4 #b4b4b4 Color of comments # Comment
todomd.priorityAForeground #ec4f47 #ec4f47 #ec4f47 (A)
todomd.priorityBForeground #fd9f9a #fd9f9a #fd9f9a (B)
todomd.priorityCForeground #ffb039 #ffb648 #ffb648 (C)
todomd.priorityDForeground #e2cb00 #f1d900 #f1d900 (D)
todomd.priorityEForeground #97c500 #ace000 #ace000 (E)
todomd.priorityFForeground #00cfad #00cfad #00cfad (F)
todomd.tagForeground #1abaff #029cdf #1abaff Tag color #Tag
todomd.contextForeground #7284eb #7284eb #7284eb Context color @Context
todomd.specialTagForeground #c3ccfc #7e8081 #c3ccfc Color of special tags {h}
todomd.projectForeground #36cc9a #36cc9a #36cc9a Project color +Project
todomd.notDueForeground #c3ccfc #7e8081 #c3ccfc Not due
todomd.dueForeground #35c03a #01c208 #37df3d Due
todomd.overdueForeground #d44343 #d44343 #f64f4f Overdue
todomd.invalidDueDateForeground #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff Due date that is either has an invalid format 2020-05 or an invalid date 2020-12-35
todomd.invalidDueDateBackground #7284eb #7284eb #7284eb Due date that is either has an invalid format 2020-05 or an invalid date 2020-12-35
todomd.nestedTasksCountBackground #e0d971 #f7f3c099 #e0d971 Nested tasks counter editor decoration background.
todomd.nestedTasksCountForeground #000000 #000000 #000000 Nested tasks counter editor decoration foreground.
todomd.nestedTasksCountBorder #fff0 #dfd987bd #fff0 Nested tasks counter editor decoration border.
todomd.treeViewCompletedTaskIcon #7cc54b #7cc54b #7cc54b Color of completed task icon in Tree View.

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