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  • Run commands with arguments ("args")
  • Run multiple commands (in sequence)
  • Use Tree View / Quick Pick / Status Bar / Document link to run commands
  • Assign keyboard shortcut to specified commands
  • Create alias for existing commands

Simple command

"Toggle activity": "workbench.action.toggleActivityBarVisibility",


Command with arguments

"Typing": {
    "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
    "args": {
        "snippet": "Typing... ",


Multiple commands (sequence)

"Toggle multiple settings": {
    "sequence": [


Tree View icons list | colors

"GitHub": {
    "icon": "github",
"Flame": {
    "icon": "flame",
    "iconColor": "errorForeground",


Folders (nested items)

"folder": {
    "nestedItems": {
        "Flame": {
            "icon": "flame",
            "iconColor": "errorForeground",
        "Trusted": {
            "icon": "workspace-trusted",
            "iconColor": "terminal.ansiGreen",


Quick Pick commands.openAsQuickPick


Status Bar

"Toggle line numbers": {
    "command": "commands.toggleSetting",
    "args": {
        "setting": "editor.lineNumbers",
        "value": [
    "statusBar": {
        "alignment": "left",
        "text": "πŸ”’",
        "priority": -9999,


Commands (10)

Command Description
commands.openAsQuickPick Commands: Open as Quick Pick
commands.selectAndRun Commands: Select and run command
commands.rerun Commands: Rerun last command
commands.suggestCommands Commands: Suggest (autocomplete) commands
commands.suggestCodicons Commands: Suggest Codicons
commands.suggestVariables Commands: Suggest variables that are supported by this extension's variable substitutions, e.g: ${workspaceFolderBasename}. πŸ“š Docs
commands.suggestSettings Commands: Suggest setting ids (user & workspace).
commands.suggestColors Commands: Suggest theme color ids theme-color.
commands.newCommand Commands: Add new command to the list
commands.escapeCommandUriArgument Commands: Escape command uri argument

Settings (15)

Setting Default Description
commands.commands {} Main extension property. Commands that will be rendered in the View.
commands.workspaceCommands {} Commands that will be rendered in the View, specific to the workspace.
commands.alias {} Use shorter command ids. Extension registers aliased commands so that they can be also used in keybindings.
commands.showKeybindings false Whether or not to show keyboard shortcuts assigned to command contributed by user. (Currently only displayed in Tree View).
commands.treeViewCollapseFolders false Collapse folders by default. Requires reload before being applied.
commands.treeViewStatusBarVisibleSymbol "πŸ’ " Symbol used in the tree view to indicate that command is also visible in the status bar.
commands.treeViewWorkspaceCommandSymbol "🎯" Symbol used in the tree view to indicate workspace command (from #commands.workspaceCommands#) setting.
commands.statusBarDefaultText "same" Controls the text of Status Bar item when adding from Tree View context menu.
commands.statusBarDefaultPosition "left" Where to put command on Status Bar (left or right).
commands.quickPickIncludeAllCommands false When checked - include all commands from Command Palette to the Quick Pick.
commands.populateCommandPalette false Adds all items to Command Palette (Requires editor reload after every change of main config #commands.commands#).
commands.documentLinksEnabled false Run commands as links in documents. Links have format @command?args@.
commands.documentLinksPattern "" Glob for #commands.documentLinksEnabled#. Example: **/*.{ts,js} - only enable in TypeScript & JavaScript files.
commands.variableSubstitutionEnabled true Allow "args" to replace variables: πŸ“š Docs.
commands.toggleSettings.showNotification false When enabled - show notification after using commands.toggleSetting or commands.incrementSetting.
// Command object structure
interface CommandObject {
    command: string;// command id to execute
    args?: unknown;// command arguments to execute
    delay?: number;// delay (ms) BEFORE execution
    repeat?: number;// run this command or sequence this number of times
    icon?: string;// icon id
    iconColor?: string;// color id
    markdownTooltip?: string;// add custom markdown text to hover tooltip
    disableTooltip?: boolean;// do not show the hover tooltip for this Tree View Item
    hidden?: boolean;// Do not show this in Tree View
    inputs?: {...}[];// Objects for input variable substitution like

    sequence?: (CommandObject | string)[];// execute multipe commands

    nestedItems: {// Transform this into folder: Group items
        [key: string]: CommandObject

    // add command or folder to status bar
    statusBar?: {
        alignment: 'left' | 'right';// status bar alignment
        text: string;// status bar item text
        name?: string;// name of the item in status bar context menu
        priority?: number;// item position (can also be a negative number)
        tooltip?: string;// hover text
        markdownTooltip?: string;// hover text (in markdown)
        hidden?: boolean;// do not show this status bar item
        color?: string;// color of status bar item text
        backgroundColor?: 'error' | 'warning';// status bar item background color
        activeEditorGlob?: string// only show status bar item when active editor matches glob pattern
        activeEditorLanguage?: string;// only show status bar item when active editor language id matches
        updateEvents?: {// update status bar text (substitute variables)
            kind: 'onDidConfigurationChange' | 'onDidChangeActiveTextEditor' | 'onDidChangeTextEditorSelection' | 'interval';

type Type text into active editor

"Typing": {
    "command": "type",
    "args": {
        "text": "---",

workbench.action.tasks.runTask Run task by its label

// tasks.json
    "label": "hello",
    "type": "shell",
    "command": "echo Hello",
// commands
"Run task": {
    "command": "workbench.action.tasks.runTask",
    "args": "hello",

editor.action.insertSnippet Insert Snippet

"Insert snippet": {
    "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
    "args": {
        "snippet": "$BLOCK_COMMENT_START ${0:?} $BLOCK_COMMENT_END",

workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence Send text to active terminal

"Terminal: Run Watch": {
    "command": "workbench.action.terminal.sendSequence",
    "args": {
        "text": "npm run watch\r",

workbench.action.quickOpen Quick access

Can open Quick Pick with prefilled prefix (@... - symbol, view ... - open view, ...)

"Quick open (symbol)": {
    "command": "workbench.action.quickOpen",
    "args": "?",

workbench.action.openSettings Open settings with prefilled input value

"Open Settings": {
    "command": "workbench.action.openSettings",
    "args": "commands",

workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings Open keybindings with prefilled value

"Quick Keybindings Editor": {
    "command": "workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings",
    "args": "commands.",
}, Open Extensions View with prefilled value

"Quick Extensions View": {
    "command": "",
    "args": "@builtin",

editor.action.codeAction Execute code action

"Organize imports": {
    "command": "editor.action.codeAction",
    "args": {
        "kind": "source.organizeImports",

workbench.action.findInFiles Open search with specified args

"Search with args": {
    "command": "workbench.action.findInFiles",
    "args": {
        "query": "TODO",
        "isRegex": false,
        "isCaseSensitive": false,
        "matchWholeWord": false,
        "preserveCase": false,
        "excludeSettingAndIgnoreFiles": true,
        "triggerSearch": true,
        "onlyOpenEditors": false,
        // "replace": "",
        // "filesToInclude": "",
        // "filesToExclude": "",

editor.actions.findWithArgs Open Editor Find Widget

"Find Widget with args": {
    "command": "editor.actions.findWithArgs",
    "args": {
        "searchString": "TODO",
        "replaceString": "",
        "isRegex": false,
        "isCaseSensitive": false,
        "matchWholeWord": false,
        "preserveCase": false,
        "findInSelection": false,

search.action.openNewEditor Open Search Editor with specified args

"Open search editor with args": {
    "command": "search.action.openNewEditor",
    "args": {
        "query": "TODO",
        "isRegexp": false,
        "isCaseSensitive": false,
        "matchWholeWord": false,
        "preserveCase": false,
        "excludeSettingAndIgnoreFiles": true,
        "triggerSearch": true,
        "contextLines": 2,
        "showIncludesExcludes": true,
        // "filesToInclude": "",
        // "filesToExclude": "",

cursorMove Move cursor to a logical position in the view

Arguments object:

  • to A mandatory logical position value providing where to move the cursor.

'left', 'right', 'up', 'down', 'prevBlankLine', 'nextBlankLine', 'wrappedLineStart', 'wrappedLineEnd', 'wrappedLineColumnCenter' 'wrappedLineFirstNonWhitespaceCharacter', 'wrappedLineLastNonWhitespaceCharacter' 'viewPortTop', 'viewPortCenter', 'viewPortBottom', 'viewPortIfOutside'

  • by Unit to move. Default is computed based on 'to' value.

'line', 'wrappedLine', 'character', 'halfLine'

  • value Number of units to move. Default is '1'.
  • select If 'true' makes the selection. Default is 'false'.
"Cursor move 10 down": {
    "command": "cursorMove",
    "args": {
        "to": "down",
        "by": "line",
        "value": 10,

editorScroll Scroll editor in the given direction

Arguments object:

  • to A mandatory direction value (up or down).
  • by Unit to move. Default is computed based on 'to' value. (line, wrappedLine, page, halfPage).
  • value: Number of units to move. Default is 1.
  • revealCursor: If 'true' reveals the cursor when it is outside view port.
"Scroll 10 lines down": {
    "command": "editorScroll",
    "args": {
        "to": "down",
        "by": "line",
        "value": 10,
        "revealCursor": true,

moveActiveEditor Move the active editor by tabs or groups

  • to String value providing where to move (left or right).
  • by String value providing the unit for move (by tab or by group).
  • value Number value providing how many positions or an absolute position to move.
"Move editor to the left": {
    "command": "moveActiveEditor",
    "args": {
        "to": "left",
        "by": "tab",
        "value": 50,

vscode.setEditorLayout Sets the editor layout

Example for a 2x2 grid:

"2x2 grid": {
    "command": "vscode.setEditorLayout",
    "args": { "orientation": 0, "groups": [{ "groups": [{}, {}], "size": 0.5 }, { "groups": [{}, {}], "size": 0.5 }] },

editor.emmet.action.wrapWithAbbreviation Wrap text with emmet

"Wrap in div": {
    "command": "editor.emmet.action.wrapWithAbbreviation",
    "args": {
        "abbreviation": "div",
        "language": "html",

workbench.action.openSettingsJson Opens settings.json file

"Reveal setting json": {
    "command": "workbench.action.openSettingsJson",
    "args": {
        "openToSide": true,
        "revealSetting": {
            "key": "editor.fontSize",

vscode.removeFromRecentlyOpened Removes an entry with the given path from the recently opened list

"Remove from recently opened": {
    "command": "vscode.removeFromRecentlyOpened",
    "args": "C:/temp/1.txt",

vscode.openIssueReporter Opens the issue reporter with the provided extension id as the selected source

  • extensionId - extensionId to report an issue on
"Issue: preselect extension": {
    "command": "vscode.openIssueReporter",
    "args": "usernamehw.commands",

workbench.extensions.installExtension Install extension by id

"Install extension": {
    "command": "workbench.extensions.installExtension",
    "args": "usernamehw.errorlens",

workbench.extensions.uninstallExtension Uninstall extension by id

"Uninstall extension": {
    "command": "workbench.extensions.uninstallExtension",
    "args": "usernamehw.errorlens",

workbench.extensions.action.showExtensionsWithIds Show extensions in Extensions View by id

"Show specific extensions": {
    "command": "workbench.extensions.action.showExtensionsWithIds",
    "args": [

Additional commands

commands.toggleSetting Toggle settings

"Toggle boolean setting (pass string args)": {
    "command": "commands.toggleSetting",
    "args": "editor.renderIndentGuides",
"Pass array of values to cycle through": {
    "command": "commands.toggleSetting",
    "args": {
        "setting": "workbench.colorTheme",
        "value": ["Monokai", "Kimbie Dark"],
    "icon": "symbol-color",
"Toggle workspace setting": {
    "command": "commands.toggleSetting",
    "args": {
        "setting": "workbench.editor.showTabs",
        "target": "workspace",
"Set/reset setting": {
    "command": "commands.toggleSetting",
    "args": {
        "setting": "window.zoomLevel",
        "value": [0],

commands.incrementSetting Increment/decrement setting

"Font size ++": {
    "command": "commands.incrementSetting",
    "args": {
        "setting": "editor.fontSize",
        "value": 0.5,
        // "target": "workspace",
"Font size --": {
    "command": "commands.incrementSetting",
    "args": {
        "setting": "editor.fontSize",
        "value": -0.5,

commands.toggleTheme Toggle themes by groups (depending on active theme kind)

"Toggle Themes": {
    "command": "commands.toggleTheme",
    "args": {
        "dark": "Default Dark+,GitHub Dark",
        "light": "Default Light+,GitHub Light",

commands.openFolder Open file/folder in vscode

"Open file": {
    "command": "commands.openFolder",
    "args": "C:\\temp\\temp.txt",// Accepts array ["C:/temp/1.txt","C:/temp/2.txt"]
"Open relative file": {
    "command": "commands.openFolder",
    "args": "./package.json",// open relative to the first opened workspace folder
"Open folder": {
    "command": "commands.openFolder",
    "args": "C:\\temp",

commands.focusTerminal Focus specific terminal

"Focus newest non-task terminal": {
    "command": "commands.focusTerminal",
"Focus terminal named 'foobar' (string argument)": {
    "command": "commands.focusTerminal",
    "args": "foobar",
"Focus terminal named 'foobar'": {
    "command": "commands.focusTerminal",
    "args": {
        "target": "newest",// focus newest matching terminal; create new if no match
        "name": "foobar",// if no match, assign a name to the new terminal

commands.runInTerminal Send text to new (or specified) terminal

"Terminal => watch (string argument)": {
    "command": "commands.runInTerminal",
    "args": "npm run watch",
"Terminal => watch": {
    "command": "commands.runInTerminal",
    "args": {
        "text": "npm run watch",
        "name": "watch",
        "reveal": true,
        "waitForExit": false,// will wait for terminal to exit before running next command
        "reuse": "newest",// reuse newest same-named terminal; create new if no match

commands.startDebugging Start debugging by "name" property from launch.json

"Debug extension": {
    "command": "commands.startDebugging",
    "args": "Extension",

commands.setEditorLanguage Change active editor language id

"Set Language JavaScript": {
    "command": "commands.setEditorLanguage",
    "args": "javascript",

commands.clipboardWrite Write text to clipboard

"Populate clipboard": {
    "command": "commands.clipboardWrite",
    "args": "||||||||",

commands.showNotification Show VSCode notification

"Msg": {
    "command": "commands.showNotification",
    "args": "info msg",
"Msg error": {
    "command": "commands.showNotification",
    "args": {
        "severity": "error",// "warning" | "info"
        "message": "bad",

commands.showStatusBarNotification Show notification in Status Bar

"Notification in status bar": {
    "command": "commands.showStatusBarNotification",
    "args": {
        "message": "Read me fast",
        "color": "#f00",
        "timeout": 5000,

commands.openExternal Open link in default browser

"Open": {
    "command": "commands.openExternal",
    "args": "",// Accepts array ["",""]
"Open Extension Preview": {
    "command": "commands.openExternal",
    "args": "vscode:extension/usernamehw.commands",
}, Open file in default app (Uses open)

"Open in default app": {
    "command": "",
    "args": "C:\\temp\\img.png",
"Open in specified app": {
    "command": "",
    "args": {
        "target": "C:\\temp\\img.png",
        "app": "firefox",// Or absolute path
        "arguments": ["-devtools"],

commands.revealFileInOS Open system file explorer at the specified path

"commands.revealFileInOS": {
    "command": "commands.revealFileInOS",
    "args": "C:/Users",

Running sequence without adding it to settings.json

If the only purpose for a command sequence is to run it from a keybinding, then it might be easier to just run it from a keybindings.json file directly:

    "key": "ctrl+shift+9",
    "command": "",
    "args": [

Using your own color for tree view icon

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "mycolor": "#ffc01f",
"commands.commands": {
    "Command": {
        "icon": "dashboard",
        "iconColor": "mycolor",

Upstream issues

Please upvote the following VS Code issues: