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A collection of pure JS Web Components compiled from the ITS Design System for use across Library apps.

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UQ Library Reusable Web Components

These reusable webcomponents provides header and footer to multiple systems.

The 'applications/' folder allows us to version control changes to the scripts we use to insert code into 3rd party systems - see the applications readme for a summary.


  1. Clone from github
git clone
  1. install npm (but first confirm in package.json that this is the latest installed version - doco gets out of date):
nvm use 18.19.0 && npm i -g npm@10 webpack-dev-server
  1. Create git hooks to manage branches to project standard.

3.1. Prevent direct commits to the staging branch. and run prettier-eslint automatically before every local commit:

ln -sf "../../scripts/pre-commit" ".git/hooks/pre-commit"

3.2. Run the following in the project root directory to prevent accidental merges from the staging branch:

  ln -sf "../../scripts/prepare-commit-msg" ".git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg"
  1. In the root folder of fez-frontend install the required npm modules:
npm install


env view at bucket
or - it is the only branch that will call reusable staging
dev master branch viewable at
or swap "master" for the name of your branch which has had a pipeline created on AWS
s3://uql-reusable-webcomponents-development/ + subfolder


  • run npm ci to install packages.
  • run npm run start to run the project locally while developing with a listener (calls api on staging for data)
  • run npm run start:mock to run the project locally with mock data
    • While this is running, you can run npm run cypress:open to manually run cypress tests
  • run npm run build to run a local test build in the dist folder (this also replaces gulp styles in the old reusable for building css locally for pasting into live pages for test)
  • run npm run build:staging to run a staging test build in the dist folder
  • run npm run build:production to run a production test build in the dist folder
  • run npm run test:local to run a test build in the dist folder and run all cypress tests
  • run npm run prettier:test to check all files for codestyles, and
  • run npm run prettier:fix to fix all codestyle issues
  • run npm run cypress:run:record to run all cypress tests at the command line

localhost will run on port 8080: http://localhost:8080/

The following commands are available to fix any misformatting easily:

  • npm run codestyles:fix:all - fix all files
  • npm run codestyles:fix:staged - fix all staged files

If you are working on Training and want to see the index-training.html file on a live url eg then you will have to manually copy the index-training.html file into the bucket - the build process doesnt cover it.


Add the following line at the end of your HTML document to initialise the components. Example below is obviously for production - substitute for development or staging.

Note that the defer is important.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

eg. UQ Header:


You will also need to add an anchor with the landing id after all the header imports etc to tell the skip nav where to skip to, eg:

<a id="skiptohere"></a>

This must be an ANCHOR, not any other html element.

Mock user access

  • masquerade, web admin (alerts, spotlights) - uqstaff
  • espace - uqstaff, s1111111


This repo uses tests. To run tests:

  • locally: npm run test:local - select the preferred browser from the dropdown in the top right of the cypress interface, then click on the 'run integration tests'

NOTE: CI testing uses environment variables stored on AWS to run cypress successfully and reporting to the cypress dashboard.

  • data-testid attributes are used to identify elements for tests
  • data-analyticsid attributes are used for GTM/GA tagging and are supplied by the customer (although we often advise).


In addition to the usual branches, the following are in use and should not be deleted from github or AWS Pipelines:

  • feature-drupal (drupal sandbox calls .js files from this folder cf drupal readme)
  • primo-prod-dev (maps to primo env prod-dev. Needed to support uqsvangr cf primo readme)
  • primo-sandbox (maps to primo env sandbox-dev. Needed to support uqsvangr)
  • primo-sandbox-dev (maps to primo env sandbox-dev. Needed to support uqsvangr)
  • user-admin-manage (used by eg uqjtilse to make changes to the megamenu ready for us to merge to master cf admin user doc)

Reference Material

Setting up from the ITS Design System private packages

Current contents

  • UQ Header (Last update 28 Feb 2021) - ITS DS
  • UQ Footer (Last update 28 Feb 2021) - ITS DS
  • Training (Last update June 2021) - ITS DS

Using UQ Header package as an example

  • Follow the export procedure from ITS Design System github. (Note in June 2022 this required Node v12.12.0 (so do a nvm use v12.12.0) - ITS are hoping to update this soon) (nvm install v12.12.0 && npm cache clear -f && npm ci && npx lerna clean && npx lerna bootstrap && node --version was a useful string of commands)
  • Copy the exported package to a new folder (eg UQHeader) - or over existing files in the case of an update.
  • Create the Web Component file (eg. UQHeader.js in that folder)
    • Update the reference to the CSS in the css/*.css
  • Edit the js/uqds.js file to replace any reference to document.query... to a shadow dom reference by replacing it with document.querySelector('uq-header').shadowRoot.query...
  • Register the new web component in src/index.js and insert the dom element in `/index.html'
  • Add a line to the webpack config to copy the ~usds.js file from the ITS DS package to the dist root and rename it.
  • Replace all rem units in css to em to stop old vendor apps from breaking our components.
new CopyPlugin({ patterns: [ { from: "src/UQHeader/js/uqds.js", to: "header.js" }, ], }),
  • Add a line to webpack config to add the full path for various builds under:
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'local' &&
  new ReplaceInFileWebpackPlugin([
      dir: 'dist',
      files: ['uq-lib-reusable.min.js.min.js'],
      rules: [
          search: /uq-header\.js/gm,
          replace: componentJsPath[process.env.NODE_ENV] + 'uq-header.js',
    /* ... */
  • Make sure to update the dynamic load reference in the web component file.
  • Run npm run build to pack the file into the dist folder - and open index.html there in a browser to test - or - run npm run start to have a listening system run in your local browser.

Known issues

if you are developing and you suddenly start getting

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/Users/uqldegro/github/reusable-webcomponents/node_modules/node-sass/vendor'

issuing the command npm rebuild node-sass will usually fix it


A collection of pure JS Web Components compiled from the ITS Design System for use across Library apps.






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