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our website

repo named after HMS Warrior <3

adding events

each event is in _posts, you can make a new file directly from github

they're all written in markdown, HTML is rendered through md too

here's an template of how a post should look:

hash: unique-name-here # this is the unique hash for linking
title:  "This is the title of the event"
date:   2015-01-01 19:30:00 # should have both date and time YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS  
place: [Building name, room in building, etc] # an array of place information
facebook: "" # this is the link to the facebook event

Main post information here, you can use Markdown which includes HTML as that renders through as well.

then save it as [date]-[hash].md for example for the above

changing details

some details such as the description and social network links are in the _config.yml file


use jekyll to build locally, but you can just make a new .md file in posts and send a pull request as it will generate automatically using GitHub pages


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