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ICU4X 0.5.0 (January 31, 2022)

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@Manishearth Manishearth released this 01 Feb 01:40
· 2095 commits to main since this release

ICU4X 0.5.0 is our major winter release. Key changes:

  1. Major improvements to the datetime component, including support for non-gregorian calendars, week-of-year, and eras
  2. Lots of improvements to the properties component, including support for Canonical_Combining_Class, Script_Extensions, Grapheme_Cluster_Break, Word_Break, Sentence_Break.
  3. Improvements to our data infrastructure crates yoke and zerovec

There are also bug fixes and feature improvements in other components including LocaleCanonicalizer. For more details, see the changelog.

We hope to continue bringing early adopters onboard as we eye a stable 1.0 release in the first half of 2022.