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1.1 Changelog (#3031)
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robertbastian committed Jan 26, 2023
1 parent aca29c5 commit 196823a
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 0 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,5 +1,156 @@
# Changelog

## icu4x 1.1 (Jan 26, 2023)

* `icu_calendar`
* Fix bug in `simple_week_of()` around unit size (#2951)
* Fix math in calendar (#2714)
* Add `div_rem_euclid` and use it in icu_calendar (#2704)
* Fix Time::from_minute_with_remainder_days to handle negatives (#2643) (#2702)
* doc improvements

* `icu_casemapping`
* doc improvements

* `icu_collator`
* doc improvements

* `icu_collections`
* Add APIs for returning exemplar characters data (#2812)
* Readable JSON inversion lists (#2855)
* Add `UnicodeSet` that supports strings (#2796)
* Add documentation on `CodePointTrie` details and perf considerations (#2717)

* `icu_codepointtrie_builder`
* internal improvements

* `icu_datetime`
* internal and doc improvements

* `icu_decimal`
* internal and doc improvements

* `icu_displaynames`
* DisplayNames fixes (#2918)
* Rename `Territory` -> `Region` for display names component (#2895)
* Transformer code for `Language` display names (#2871)
* Adding a function to get display name for a region. (#2816)
* Transformer code for display names component. (#2635)
* doc improvements

* `icu_list`
* Untangling list provider from logic and fixing big endian safety bug (#2994)
* Not allocating `Writeable`s for regex evaluation (#2991)
* doc improvements

* `icu_locid`
* Reject duplicated extensions (#2893)
* More borrowing in locid's `write_to_string` (#2693)
* doc improvements

* `icu_locid_transform`
* Clean up dependency specifications so `serde` isn't pulled in by default (#2696)
* doc improvements

* `icu_normalizer`
* internal and doc improvements

* `icu_plurals`
* doc improvements

* `icu_properties`
* Add APIs for returning exemplar characters data (#2812)
* Add API and testdata for `Basic_Emoji` property (#2802)
* Add `UnicodeSet` that supports strings (#2796)
* Update `Script` property value enums (#2787)
* doc improvements

* `icu_segmenter`
* Make metacrate features more specific (#2932)
* Remove `serde` dependency from segmenter with `lstm` feature. (#2904)
* Simplify construction of grapheme cluster break iterators (#2870)
* Store grapheme cluster payload instead of grapheme cluster segmenter. (#2864)
* `#[no_std]` for LSTM segmenter (#2845)
* icu_segmenter: enforce `clippy::indexing_slicing`. (#2325)
* Use `GraphemeClusterSegmenter` in `DictionarySegmenter` and `LstmSegmenter` (#2716)
* Rename `*BreakSegmenter` to `*Segmenter` (#2707)
* Remove unnecessary langauge check for East Asian languagne (SA property) (#2705)
* internal and doc improvements

* `icu_timezone`
* Adds a bytes parsing API for `GMTOffset` for `CustomTimeZone` and FFI (#2943, #2955)
* doc improvements

* `icu_provider_adapters`
* Add more `inner_mut` functions in `icu_provider_adapters` (#2987)
* Fix error propagation in `MultiForkByErrorProvider` (#2986)
* Add mutation methods to `MultiForkByErrorProvider` (#2972)

* `icu_provider_blob`
* internal and doc improvements

* `icu_provider`
* Setting correct `DataError` for `.as_deserializing()`, `.as_downcasting()` (#2993)
* doc improvements

* `icu_datagen`
* Removing experimental feature from datagen (#3005)
* Fixing Spanish list regex (#2989)
* Datagen CLI improvements (#2950)
* Some reexports for datagen (#2958)
* Databake improvements (#2906)
* Exclude certain collations by default and add option to include them (#2789)
* Allowing no keys in datagen CLI (#2731)
* Fixing baked datagen for no keys and keys with no data (#2698)
* Internal and doc improvements

* `icu_provider_fs`
* internal and doc improvements

* `icu_testdata`
* stabilized metadata
* doc improvements
* CLDR 42 and ICU 72 data

* `bies`
* Bumped `writeable` version

* `databake`
* Doc improvements

* `fixed_decimal`
* Treat strings starting with a decimal point as valid in `FixedDecimal::from_str()` (#2937)
* The actual formatting part of compact decimal formatting (#2898)
* Allow noncompact `CompactDecimal` (#2889)
* `CompactDecimal` and `ScientificDecimal` (#2847)
* doc improvements

* `icu_pattern`
* internal improvements

* `litemap`
* internal and doc improvements

* `tinystr`
* Add `std` feature and `Error` impl for `TinyStrError` (#3009)
* internal and doc improvements

* `tzif`
* internal and doc improvements

* `writeable`
* Using `core` integer log when available (#3015)
* `usize` and `isize` implementation
* internal and doc improvements

* `yoke`
* Add `prove_covariance_manually` guard for `CoerceUnsized` (#2936)
* Allow `clippy::forget_copy` in `derive(Yokeable)` impl (#2775)
* Fix soundness issue in `Yoke::attach_to_cart()` around implied bounds #2949

* `zerovec`
* `ZeroMap2d` cursors

## Bug fixes in 1.0.x

### icu_collator 1.0.1
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