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Generating Events

Alchemist edited this page Apr 13, 2018 · 3 revisions

Unfetter Analytic uses a Windows VM to generate interesting events such as process creation, user logins, and network connections. The events are shipped to the Unfetter Analytic server, Logstash is used to ingest them into Elasticsearch, and then Apache Spark is used to run an analytic that generates new events (generally either alerts or items for situational awareness).

Below is an example process to generate an event that will trigger an alert in the Windows VM.

Interact with the Windows VM Graphical User Interface (GUI) and start Powershell as administrator. Run the Powershell command to clear the security event logs: PS C:\Windows\System32> Clear-EventLog -Logname Security

To see the events in Elasticsearch you can use either Kibana or the lighter weight Elasticsearch-head plugin. From the browser in your host OS, go to Kibana: https://localhost:5601 Another option is to use the Elasticsearch-head plugin. Click on the "Browser" tab on the following page:

Create new analytics by putting them in the unfetter-analytic/unfetter-analytic/analytic-system/src directory. A quick ls shows a number of Python files with names similar to Each of these files is a separate analytic that you can read about in CAR. You can also look at the file itself using a text editor like emacs, vim, or nano. Create a new analytic. Then, edit the file to run the new analytic in the loop. Stop the docker containers, and rerun them docker-compose up.

Restarting the containers will pull the new file and start running them.

The helps set up and interact with Elasticsearch.

The main program is This Python program will call the CAR analytic Python code you specify. Here is a simple example:

spark-submit -c -d day 1 -p

This command will use spark-submit to run the "" program, which will load and execute CAR analytic CAR_2016_04_002 and will look through the last 24 hours of events. It will push any alerts to Elasticsearch and also Unfetter-Discover.

After printing the Unfetter banner, run_unfetter_analytic will display the CAR name, number, and description. This will generate a number of alerts once it completes.

The alert should now appear in Kibana. Adjusting the time interval in the upper right-hand corner may be necessary.

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