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LatNet Builder v2.0.0

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@PierreMarion23 PierreMarion23 released this 02 Aug 13:11
· 98 commits to master since this release

As of version 2.0.0, Lattice Builder becomes LatNet Builder.

The new version introduces new types of point sets : polynomial lattice rules and digital nets in base 2.

The structure of the software is not backward compatible but remains very similar to version 1.5.0.

The documentation has been redesigned with more details on the various functionalities of the software.

The software can also be installed using the conda package management. This installs a Python package which also provides a GUI.

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Because FFTW is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later, the LatNet Builder binaries the Python package and the Docker images are distributed under the GNU GPL version 2 as well.