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DIY incubator system based on ESP32.

The article for how to make is here (Japanese).


  1. Install board environment for "esp32" by Arduino IDE: Tools > Boards: XXXXX > Boards Manager...

  2. Install some libraries (show below) from Arduino IDE: Tools > Manage Libraries...

  • Ambient ESP32 ESP8266 Lib
  • DHT sensor library for ESPx
  • ESP32Servo
  • PubSubClient
  1. Select compile & upload options for ESP32 like below.

for ESP32 WROOM Module: esp32dev

for ESP32 WROVER Module: esp32wrover

  1. Create hardware and connect pins to sensors/actuators defined at the main sketch.
#define pin number description
BUILTIN_LED Indicator LED for heater On/Off
DCfan_PIN VCC pin of DC fan (need driver IC like MOSFET)
DHTPIN SDA pin of Temp/Humi sensor DHT22 (AM2302)
Heater_PIN Signal input pin of solid state relay with heater
SERVO_PIN PWM input pin of servo motor MG996R
  1. Rename data/config_ro.sample.txt to data/config_ro.txt and edit for your environment. It includes like wi-fi settings.

  2. Rename data/config_rw.sample.txt to data/config_rw.txt. In most cases, this does not need to be edit.

  3. Click [ Arduino IDE: Tools > ESP32 Sketch Data Upload ] to upload config files to ESP32's SPIFFS.

  4. Upload sketch to ESP32 and run.

Control via MQTT

  1. Install mosquitto, see here.

  2. Rename to incubator and edit readonly variables like MQTT_USER for your environment.

  3. On your shell, cd ~/YOUR_DOCUMENTS_DIR/esp32-incubator.

  4. Run chmod +x ./incubator to be executable the script.

  5. Run script with control commands.

$ cd ~/YOUR_DOCUMENTS/esp32-incubator

# ping command
$ ./incubator ping
>>> "ping"
[2020/07/07(Tue) 07:07:07] Pong

# get command ex.
$ ./incubator get temp
>>> "get temp"
[2020/07/07(Tue) 07:07:07] [GET] Temperature = 38.50

# set command ex.
$ ./incubator set kd:0.1
>>> "set kd:0.1"
[2020/07/07(Tue) 07:07:07] [SET] PID coefficients (OK) set as Kp = 1.20, Ki = 0.20, Kd = 0.10

Get commands

Usage: ./incubator get $KEY

$KEY response value
temp Current temperature
humd Current Humidity
degrees Current degrees of servo moter for egg rotation
duty Current PID output value
rotate_interval (readonly) Egg rotation intarval seconds
rotate_max_degrees (readonly) Maximum servo degrees value
rotate_min_degrees (readonly) Minimum servo degrees value
epoch_start Unix time when started incubating
rotate_onoff Status of auto egg rotation (0 is Off, 1 is On)
kp PID coefficient for heater control (Proportional term)
ki PID coefficient for heater control (Integral term)
kd PID coefficient for heater control (Derivative term)

Set commands

Usage: ./incubator set $KEY:$VALUE

$KEY $VALUE type $VALUE range description
auto_rotate String on or off Turn on or off auto egg rotation
degrees Int rotate_min_degrees ~ rotate_max_degrees Adjust degrees of egg rotater
temperature Float 25.0 ~ 40.0 Change target temperature
start Unsigned long any (0 is set as current unix time) Change unix time when started incubating
kp Float 0.0 ~ 10.0 Change PID coefficient for heater control (Proportional term)
ki Float 0.0 ~ 10.0 Change PID coefficient for heater control (Integral term)
kd Float 0.0 ~ 10.0 Change PID coefficient for heater control (Derivative term)

Other commands

# Rebooting incubator
$ ./incubator reboot
>>> "reboot"

# Ping Pong
$ ./incubator ping
>>> "ping"
[2020/07/07(Tue) 07:07:07] Pong

# Cheep, cheep..
$ ./incubator piyo
>>> "piyo"
[2020/07/07(Tue) 07:07:07] Piyo


DIY incubator system based on ESP32







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