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PubNub React

Beta Version Available

A beta release of the PubNub React framework, version 2.0 is now available. You can access it in the v2.0 branch of this repository.

Welcome! We're here to get you started quickly with your integration between PubNub and React\React Native. PubNub makes it easy to integrate real-time bidirectional communication into your app.

Pubnub React is a wrapper of PubNub JavaScript SDK version 4 that adds a few of extra features to simplify the integration with React\React Native:

You can still use the native PubNub JavaScript SDK if you feel this will be more suitable for your situation.


  • If you need help or have a general question, contact
  • If you want to contribute, please open a pull request against the develop branch.

Install PubNub React SDK

npm install pubnub-react

Hello World Example

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PubNubReact from 'pubnub-react';

export default class extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.pubnub = new PubNubReact({ publishKey: 'YOUR PUBLISH KEY', subscribeKey: 'YOUR SUBSCRIBE KEY' });
  componentWillMount() {
    this.pubnub.subscribe({ channels: ['channel1'], withPresence: true });
    this.pubnub.getMessage('channel1', (msg) => {
    this.pubnub.getStatus((st) => {
      this.pubnub.publish({ message: 'hello world from react', channel: 'channel1' });
  componentWillUnmount() {
    this.pubnub.unsubscribe({ channels: ['channel1'] });
  render() {

How to use PubNubReact

In order to get the integration between your React's Component and PubNub, PubNubReact will be the way to get this without any kind of difficulty or extra job when you need render data in your UI.

  • An instance of PubNubReact can be associated to only a Component.
  • Create and initialize your PubNubReact from the constructor.
  • If you want to subscribe a channel automatically as soon as the component will be displayed on the screen, you will have to subscribe it from the mounting point with the usage of componentWillMount() provided by React.
  • SDK will have created three states which are handled by the instance directly and these are pn_messages, pn_presence and pn_status please only use them in reading mode if you want to use them for any reason. In addition the trigger events will give you some extra features to manage the data allocated in theses states.
import PubNubReact from 'pubnub-react';
constructor(props) {
  this.pubnub = new PubNubReact({ publishKey: 'YOUR PUBLISH KEY', subscribeKey: 'YOUR SUBSCRIBE KEY' });
componentWillMount() {
    channels: ['channel1']
  this.pubnub.getMessage('channel1', (msg) => {

Trigger Events

With the trigger events you can find a way to get real time apps with PubNub React very fast because it will be resolved the synchronization between the data received and the user interface through of updating of the states, invoking the render of the React's Component.

The trigger events are methods which encapsulate the events (message, presence and status) with extra functionality to offer integration and get the process of development faster because will be resolved different scenarios which you can find when you are working with React\React Native.

To execute the trigger events you have to execute first the method init, in this way getMessage, getPresence and getStatus will be available; these trigger events have the responsibility to register a channel or a channelGroup in order to capture any real time message as soon as this is received and the Component renders automatically the user interface.

The getStatus will only say to the Component that this has to render again if there is an update in the global state of the network.

Registering a channel to be handled by the trigger event


componentWillMount() {  



Rendering real time messages from React


componentWillMount() {

render() {
  const messages = this.pubnub.getMessage('channel1');
  return (
        {, index) => <li key={'message' + index}>{m.message}</li>)}


Rendering real time messages from React Native


componentWillMount() {

render() {
  const messages = this.pubnub.getMessage('channel1');
  return (
      { => <Text>{m.message}</Text>)}


In addition to be used to register channels or channelGroups you can also catch each message if you want to give it some kind of procedure.


componentWillMount() {
  this.pubnub.getMessage('channel1', (msg) => {


When you are using getMessage this is going to keep the latest 100 messages received by default. But you can change this value when you attach the channel for first time with getMesage.


// the stack for the channel1 will always have the latest 20 messages.
componentWillMount() {
  this.pubnub.getMessage('channel1', (msg) => {
  }, 20);




// the stack for the channel1 will always have the latest 20 messages.
componentWillMount() {
  this.pubnub.getMessage('channel1', 20);



Rendering presence object from react


componentWillMount() {
  this.pubnub.getPresence('channel1', (presence) => {

render() {
  const presence = this.pubnub.getPresence('channel1');
  return (


Rendering presence object from React Native


componentWillMount() {
  this.pubnub.getPresence('channel1', (presence) => {

render() {
  const presence = this.pubnub.getPresence('channel1');
  return (


Rendering the global status from React


componentWillMount() {
  this.pubnub.getStatus((status) => {

render() {
  const status = this.pubnub.getStatus();
  return (


Rendering the global status from React Native


componentWillMount() {
  this.pubnub.getStatus((status) => {

render() {
  const status = this.pubnub.getStatus();
  return (


Cleaning and releasing

You can execute clean to remove all message cached in the state of the Component by the instance in run time without affecting the capture of new incoming messages for the trigger events.


You can execute release if you want to remove all message cached and stop of capturing new incoming messages for the trigger events.

this.pubnub.release(['myChannel1', 'myChannel2']);

Accessing Methods

All methods of the Native Javascript SDKs are wrapped within the PubNubReact SDK. To learn more about PubNub JavaScript features and methods available please refer to the API Reference of the Javascript SDK, here some examples:

Publish a message

this.pubnub.publish({channel: 'myChannel', message: 'Hello!'}, (response) => {

Subscribe a channel

To get that presence event works, do not forget to add withPresence: true

    channels  : ['channel1', 'channel2', 'channel3'],
    channelGroups: ['channelGroup1', 'channelGroup2'],
    withPresence: true

Unsubscribe a channel


Channels with history

You can retrieve published messages from archival storage for this requires that Storage and Playback add-on is enabled for your keys. In order to get more information about this feature - see History.

this.pubnub.history({ channel: 'myChannel1' }).then((response) => {

Retriving the history from getMessage method:

At the moment that you are subscribing a channel you can pass the optional parameter autoload this value has to contain a value from 1 to 100 in order to retrieve the last messages published in the channel. When the getMessage is called this going to retrieve the history.

this.pubnub.subscribe({channels: ['myChannel1'], triggerEvents: true, withPresence: true, autoload: 100});

Also you can use a callback to know when the retrieving process has finished.

let messages = this.pubnub.getMessage('myChannel1', () => {


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