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adinilfeld edited this page May 21, 2021 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the chiventure wiki!

Naming convention

When naming a wiki page, please use the following format: Category ~ Page title.

For example, if a member of the Battles team creates a wiki page dealing with Future Integration, the page title should be Battles ~ Future Integration.

This helps with any future use of the github-wiki-sidebar generator (though please do not use this program without consulting Borja).


To add a wiki page to the sidebar:

  1. Click on the pencil icon on the far right of the screen, at the top of the sidebar.
  2. Find the bullet point (*) corresponding to the category of your wiki page (e.g. Battles).
  3. Add a new sub-bullet point (*), indented two spaces.
  4. After the bullet point, put the name of your page in brackets (without the category), followed by the full title of your page in parentheses (including the category). Fill in spaces with dashes, and lead with ./. For example:
    * [Future Integration](./Battles-~-Future-Integration)
    Note that the part of the title in parentheses isn't case-sensitive.
  5. Add a brief message explaining your change, and then save.
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