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Git workflow and NPM publish

Michele Salvini edited this page Aug 2, 2019 · 2 revisions

New Feature

  1. Create a feature branch from develop.
  2. Commit changes to feature branch.
  3. Open a PR from feature branch to develop and ask for a review.
  4. Merge Changes into develop.
  5. Delete feature branch.

New Release

  1. Create a new release branch from develop.
  2. Run $ npm version patch|minor locally.
  3. Commit changes to release branch.
  4. Add changes if needed, and commit to release branch.
  5. Open a PR from release branch to master and ask for a review.
  6. Merge Changes into master and tag with version name (es v1.0.0).
  7. Locally pull master and run $ npm publish.
  8. Open a PR from release branch to develop and merge.
  9. Delete release branch.
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