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Major update 📦

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@jcormont jcormont released this 05 May 08:49
· 32 commits to master since this release

This is a major update that includes a more stable and consistent API, bug fixes, and several useful features. Some sharp edges that previously existed have been sanded down, which should make it easier to get started.

These improvements are based on real-life experience with production apps, as well as the hard work of documenting everything on the Typescene website. Progress on the website has been slow, but will continue with renewed energy ASAP after this update. The goal is to provide more accessible Getting Started documentation as well as better examples for common tasks. Thanks for your patience if you have been waiting all this time 😀

Note: Some class methods have been deprecated, mostly related to event handling, although existing apps should still work. Open a discussion if you were using Typescene 3.0 and notice any issues with this update.

(NPM module and other packages will be updated today 5/5/2021)