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WithContext, RC3, and 2.11

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@github-actions github-actions released this 06 May 22:35
· 295 commits to main since this release

This backwards compatible release adds two new features:

  1. withContext to aid in debugging a parser. You can add a context and retrieve it from Errors. See #194
  2. cache hashCode of parsers which can make a significant performance difference in some cases. See #200

In addition, cats-parse is now published for scala 3 RC3 and scala 2.11. The scala 2.11 support relies on using cats 2.0.0 for that version, which is the last 2.11 release of cats. The 2.11 version offers no guarantees of backwards compatibility which we do maintain for 2.12 and 2.13 (however, maintaining compatiblity for 2.12 and 2.13 will generally result in 2.11 also being compatible). We encourage everyone to update to a more recent version of scala, and the 2.11 version may not be published for very long, however we hope this can help people adopt cats-parse who are currently stuck on 2.11 and see that they have a path all the way to scala 3.

What's changed

Contributors to this release

@ghostdogpr, @johnynek, @regadas, @scala-steward and @vasilmkd