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MACE upload final

final project for mace.

The original Mace GitHub repository link is:

This repository contains the final project for Mace, which includes the implementation of two deep neural networks (DNN) models, ShuffleNet v2+ small and RegNet (200M), and instructions on how to run the code successfully.

To use the RegNet DNN model, users can download and open the RegNetUp file, and follow the provided instructions in the final report to run the code. For the ShuffleNet DNN model, users can download and open the ShuffleNetUp file, and similarly follow the instructions provided in the final report to run the code.

To utilize the DNN models, users must also download the corresponding .yml file and model file. It is important for users to change the path in the .yml file based on the path of the model file and their own sha256.

I ensure the code can run successfully on both Linux and MacOs with M1 chip.

Overall, this project showcases successful implementation of these two popular DNN models, providing a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field.

Set up

Environment requirement

MACE requires the following dependencies:

Software Installation command
Python 2.7 or 3.xx
CMake Linux: apt-get install cmake /// Mac:brew install cmake
Jinja2 pip install jinja2==2.10
PyYaml pip install pyyaml==3.12
sh pip install sh==1.12.14
Numpy pip install numpy==1.14.0
six pip install six==1.11.0

Basic usage for CMake users

First of all, make sure the environment has been set up correctly already.

Clear Workspace

Before you do anything, clear the workspace used by build and test process.

  tools/ [--expunge]

Build Engine

Please make sure you have CMake installed.

RUNTIME=GPU QUANTIZE=OFF bash tools/cmake/

which generate libraries in build/cmake-build/armeabi-v7a, you can use either static libraries or the shared library.

You can also build for other target abis: arm64-v8a, arm-linux-gnueabihf, aarch64-linux-gnu, host; and runtime: GPU, HEXAGON, HTA, APU.

Model Conversion

When you have prepared your model, the first thing to do is write a model config in YAML format. For example:

library_name: mobilenet-v2_1_0
target_abis: [armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a]
model_graph_format: file
model_data_format: file
    platform: onnx
    model_file_path: /Users/path/to/model/regnet_opt.onnx 
    model_sha256_checksum: 2defjieojoejabce3020r03107d3c47ce4461e390fa4
      - input_tensors: input
        output_tensors: output
        input_shapes: 1,224,224,3
        output_shapes: 1,1000
    runtime: cpu+gpu
    limit_opencl_kernel_time: 0
    nnlib_graph_mode: 0
    obfuscate: 0

The following steps generate output to build directory which is the default build and test workspace. Suppose you have the model config in ../mace-models/mobilenet-v1/mobilenet-v1.yml. Then run

python tools/python/ --config ../mace-models/mobilenet-v1/mobilenet-v1.yml

which generate 4 files in build/mobilenet_v1/model/

├── mobilenet_v1.pb                (model file)
├──              (param file)
├── mobilenet_v1_index.html        (visualization page, you can open it in browser)
└── mobilenet_v1.pb_txt            (model text file, which can be for debug use)

MACE also supports other platform: caffe, onnx. Beyond GPU, users can specify cpu, dsp to run on other target devices.

Model Test and Benchmark

We provide simple tools to test and benchmark your model.

After model is converted, simply run

python tools/python/ --config ../mace-models/mobilenet-v1/mobilenet-v1.yml --validate

Or benchmark the model

python tools/python/ --config ../mace-models/mobilenet-v1/mobilenet-v1.yml --benchmark

It will test your model on the device configured in the model config (runtime). You can also test on other device by specify --runtime=cpu (dsp/hta/apu) when you run test if you previously build engine for the device. The log will be shown if --vlog_level=2 is specified.