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Kubernetes Admission Mutation Proxy (amp)

amp is a Kubernetes Dynamic Admission Control mutating webhook proxy for Pods.


The amp project focuses on simplifying the process of modifying Kubernetes Pods on creation through custom endpoints, adding, removing, and modifying init containers, volumes, environment variables, or any other component of the Pod specification. The amp project originally stemmed from the need to add custom volumes and environment variables to Pods created by JupyterHub; however, amp is useful for extending any system that creates Pods that should be interrogated and mutated with external resources and values. In the JupyterHub use case, JupyterHub spawns a Pod for a user into a Namespace, Kubernetes notifies amp and amp send the Pod specification to a custom endpoint. The custom endpoint retrieves a username from a Pod annotation and sends patch operations back to amp, modifying the Pod with user-specific environment variables and volume mounts.


amp receives Kubernetes Admission Review requests for Pod creation events from any Namespace labeled and forwards the Pod definition as a JSON POST to a custom HTTP endpoint defined through the value of the Namespace annotation The custom HTTP endpoint receives a Pod definition for evaluation and returns an array of JSONPatch operations to amp (see example).

The following depiction illustrates a high-level view of an example endpoint named some-app-b mutating a Pod:

amp flow depiction

  1. Kubernetes receives a Pod creation event.

  2. Kubernetes MutatingWebhookConfiguration for amp matches any Namespace labeled true.

  3. Kubernetes sends an AdmissionReview object to amp.

  4. amp extracts the corev1.Pod object from the AdmissionReview, looks up the custom endpoint annotated in the Pod's Namespace and sends an HTTP POST of the corev1.Pod as JSON to the endpoint.

  5. amp receives a JSON encoded array of PatchOperations for the corev1.Pod.

  6. amp responds to Kubernetes AdmissionReview with the received PatchOperations as a response.

  7. Kubernetes creates the new mutated Pod.

Example patch operations

po := []PatchOperation{
    // add initContainer
        Op:   "add",
        Path: "/spec/initContainers/-",
        Value: corev1.Container{
            Name:  "new-init-container",
            Image: "alpine:3.12.0",
    // add environment variable to container 0 first-existing-container
        Op:   "add",
        Path: "/spec/containers/0/env/-",
        Value: corev1.EnvVar{
            Name:  "ADDED_VAR",
            Value: "something important",

Example Implementation

Refer to the example implementation at txn2/amp-wh-example.


see k8s/



goreleaser --skip-publish --rm-dist --skip-validate
GITHUB_TOKEN=$GITHUB_TOKEN goreleaser --rm-dist