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Motion Magnification

CSC-676 / American University

Author: Yunting Chiu
April 03, 2021 Yunting Chiu adapted from Bei Xiao. Instructor: Dr. Xiao

Applying temporal Gaussian filter to amplify videos.


In this task, we will look at video motion magnification. Keep in mind that phase changes in the frequency domain of the Fourier transform lead to location shifts in image space. This implies that the phase shift between two images can be calculated by comparing their Fourier transforms. After the inverse Fourier transform, magnifying the phase change by a fixed factor in the Fourier transform frequency domain would amplify the position shift by the same factor in the image domain. This idea can be used in videos to exaggerate movements.

Magnify Change

Firstly, we compute the prase shift between img2 to img 1 in the Fourier transform domain as phaseShift. Second, we utilize the position of the origin image to time the exponential of magnificationFactor x phaseShift x complex number, which magnifies the phase change in frequency domain (magnifiedDft). Thirdly, we inverse magnifiedDft and keep the real part to get the magnified image as magnified.

# install the libraries
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft2, ifft2, fftshift, ifftshift
from numpy import angle, real
from numpy import exp, abs, pi, sqrt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow
import imageio

def imshow(im, cmap='gray'):
    # clip image from 0-1
    im = np.clip(im, 0, 1)
    plt.imshow(im, cmap=cmap)

# 9x9 images
imSize = 9

# we would like to magnify the change between im1 and im2 by 4x
magnificationFactor = 4;

# horizontal movement from (0, 0) to (0, 1)
im1 = np.zeros([imSize, imSize])
im2 = np.zeros([imSize, imSize])
im1[0,0] = 1
im2[0,1] = 1

ff1 = fftshift(fft2(im1))
ff2 = fftshift(fft2(im2))

def magnifyChange(im1, im2, magnificationFactor):

# find phase shift in frequency domain
im1Dft = fft2(im1)
im2Dft = fft2(im2)
phaseShift = angle(im2Dft) - angle(im1Dft) # TODO

# magnify the phase change in frequency domain
magnifiedDft = im1Dft * np.exp(magnificationFactor * phaseShift * 1j) # TODO

# what does the magnified phase change cause in image space?
magnified = np.fft.ifft2(magnifiedDft).real; 

return magnified

# magnify position change
magnified = magnifyChange(im1, im2, magnificationFactor);

plt.imshow(im1); plt.title('im1');

plt.imshow(im2); plt.title('im2');

plt.imshow(magnified); plt.title('magnified');


We now have two phases, meaning that we must move in two directions (vertical and horizontal). Because the magnifyChange function can only be applied to one phase and cannot determine which phase should be moved. Thus, multidirectional phases cannot be properly magnified. Please see the plot below.

# 9x9 images
imSize = 9

# we would like to magnify the change between im1 and im2 by 4x
magnificationFactor = 4

# horizontal movement from (0, 0) to (0, 1)
# additional vertical movement from (8, 8) to (7, 8)
im1 = np.zeros([imSize, imSize])
im2 = np.zeros([imSize, imSize])
im1[0,0] = 1
im2[0,1] = 1
im1[8,8] = 1
im2[7,8] = 1

# magnify position change
magnified = magnifyChange(im1, im2, magnificationFactor)

plt.imshow(im1); plt.title('im1');

plt.imshow(im2); plt.title('im2');

plt.imshow(magnified); plt.title('magnified');


Gaussian Motion Magnification

How can we solve the problem if the motion is multidirectional? If there are several movements between two images, one solution is to use a localized Fourier transform, which involves individually magnifying the offsets on small windows of the images and aggregating the effects across the windows. When we narrow our scope of consideration, everything in it is more likely to move in the same direction.

# 9x9 images
imSize = 9

# we would like to magnify the change between im1 and im2 by 4x
magnificationFactor = 4

# width of our Gaussian window
sigma = 2

# horizontal movement from (0, 0) to (0, 1)
# additional vertical movement from (8, 8) to (7, 8)
im1 = np.zeros([imSize, imSize])
im2 = np.zeros([imSize, imSize])
im1[0,0] = 1
im2[0,1] = 1
im1[8,8] = 1
im2[7,8] = 1

# we will magnify windows of the image and aggregate the results
magnified = np.zeros([imSize, imSize])
# magnified = np.zeros(imSize)

# meshgrid for computing Gaussian window
[X, Y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(imSize), np.arange(imSize))

for y in range(0, imSize, 2*sigma):
  for x in range(0, imSize, 2*sigma):
    gaussianMask = np.exp(-((X-x)**2 + (Y-y)**2) / (2*sigma**2)) # TODO
    gaussianIm1 = im1 * gaussianMask # TODO
    gaussianIm2 = im2 * gaussianMask # TODO
    windowMagnified = magnifyChange(gaussianIm1, gaussianIm2, magnificationFactor) # TODO
    magnified = magnified + windowMagnified
imshow(im1); plt.title('im1');

imshow(im2); plt.title('im2');

imshow(magnified); plt.title('magnified');


Appling Motion Magnification to a Video

Read the video on Google Colab

import numpy as np
import cv2

cap = cv2.VideoCapture('Yunting.avi')

# list of video frames
frames = []

    # read frame from the video
    ret, frame =
    if ret is False:


# scale frame to 0-1
frames = np.array(frames) / 255.
print("frames size:", frames.shape, "# (nb_frames, height, width, channel)")

# get height, width
numFrames = frames.shape[0]
height = frames.shape[1]
width = frames.shape[2]

print(numFrames, height, width)

Video Motion Processing

# 10x magnification of motion
magnificationFactor = 10 # default 10

# width of Gaussian window
sigma = 50 # default 13

# alpha for moving average
alpha = 0.5

# we will magnify windows of the video and aggregate the results
magnified = np.zeros_like(frames)

# meshgrid for computing Gaussian window
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(width), np.arange(height))

# iterate over windows of the frames
xRange = list(range(0, width, 2*sigma))
yRange = list(range(0, height, 2*sigma))
numWindows = len(xRange) * len(yRange)
windowIndex = 1

for y in yRange:
    for x in xRange:
        for channelIndex in range(3): # RGB channels
            for frameIndex in range(numFrames):
                # create windowed frames
                gaussianMask = np.exp(-((X-x)**2+(Y-y)**2) / (2*sigma**2)); # TODO
                windowedFrames = gaussianMask * frames[frameIndex,:,:,channelIndex]
                # initialize moving average of phase for current window/channel
                if frameIndex == 0:
                    windowAveragePhase = angle(fft2(windowedFrames))
                windowDft = fft2(windowedFrames) 
                # compute phase shift and constrain to [-pi, pi] since
                # angle space wraps around
                windowPhaseShift = angle(windowDft) - windowAveragePhase
                windowPhaseShift[windowPhaseShift > pi] = windowPhaseShift[windowPhaseShift > pi] - 2 * pi
                windowPhaseShift[windowPhaseShift < -pi] = windowPhaseShift[windowPhaseShift < -pi] + 2 * pi
                # magnify phase shift
                windowMagnifiedPhase = magnificationFactor * windowPhaseShift  # TODO
                # go back to image space
                windowMagnifiedDft = windowDft * np.exp(windowMagnifiedPhase*1j) # TODO
                windowMagnified = abs(ifft2(windowMagnifiedDft))
                # update moving average
                windowPhaseUnwrapped = windowAveragePhase + windowPhaseShift
                windowAveragePhase = alpha * windowAveragePhase + (1 - alpha) * windowPhaseUnwrapped
                # aggregate
                magnified[frameIndex,:,:,channelIndex] = magnified[frameIndex,:,:,channelIndex] + windowMagnified
        # print progress
        print('{}/{}'.format(windowIndex, numWindows), end='\r')
        windowIndex += 1

outputs = magnified / np.max(magnified)
for channelIndex in range(3):
    originalFrame = frames[0,:,:,channelIndex]
    magnifiedFrame = outputs[0,:,:,channelIndex]
    scale = np.std(originalFrame[:]) / np.std(magnifiedFrame[:])
    originalMean = np.mean(originalFrame[:])
    magnifiedMean = np.mean(magnifiedFrame[:])
    outputs[:,:,:,channelIndex] = magnifiedMean + scale * (outputs[:,:,:,channelIndex] - magnifiedMean)

outputs = np.clip(outputs, 0, 1)

# create output video
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G')
# fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
out = cv2.VideoWriter('Yunting_magnified10.avi' ,fourcc, 30.0, (height, width))

for i in range(frames.shape[0]):
    # scale the frame back to 0-255
    frame = (np.clip(outputs[i], 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
    # write frame to output video


# Only for colab downloading videos
    from google.colab import files'Yunting_magnified10.avi')
    print("Only for google colab")

Results in a table

  • Please click the images to see the videos of magnification with Phase-Based Motion Processing
Original Video
10x Magnification
30x Magnification

I was able to magnify the video called Bill by 10x and 30x. Because the running time of this video is not too long, the code can be worked on smoothly. I attempted to use HD video even or 4K video for motion magnification, but running these code above consumes a lot of RAM, which takes a long time and causes the code to fail. As a result, I only focus on low-quality videos as a remedy.


The thorny problem is that the original code has four layers for loops (frames, width, height, channel), which causes the code to fail on CoLab and locally. I tried many low-quality videos (less than 1MB), but the RAM was full. One solution for processing large videos is to upgrade to CoLab pro or to consider GPU resources.


Please visit my GitHub page if you are interested in knowing more about my academic projects in Computer Vision.