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MongoDB integration testing helper from .NET projects that stands up a server and a random database on the fly. The library is compatible with .NET 4.5.1 and .NET Standard 1.6.

Quick Start

Install the library into your testing project through NuGet:

Install-Package MongoDB.Testing -pre

Write a mongod executable locator like below one for example (which is specific to Windows):

public class MongodExeLocator : IMongoExeLocator
    public string Locate()
        return @"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin\mongod.exe";

Integrate it into your tests:

public async Task HasEnoughRating_Should_Throw_InvalidOperationException_When_The_User_Is_Not_Found()
    using (MongoTestServer server = MongoTestServer.Start(27017, new MongodExeLocator()))
        // ARRANGE
        var collection = server.Database.GetCollection<UserEntity>("users");
        var service = new MyCounterService(collection);
        await collection.InsertOneAsync(new UserEntity
            Id = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(),
            Name = "foo",
            Rating = 23

        // ACT, ASSERT
            () => service.HasEnoughRating(ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString()));

MongoTestServer.Start will do the following:

  • Start a mongod instance and expose it through the specified port.
  • Creates a randomly named MongoDB database on the started instance and exposes it through the MongoTestServer instance returned from MongoTestServer.Start method.
  • Cleans up the resources, kills the mongod.exe instance when the MongoTestServer instance is disposed.