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Travel Journal 🌍✈️ — Preserve Your Travel Memories

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An intuitive app for tracking visited cities, flights, and capturing the essence of your adventures!

TravelJournal Preview

🌟 Features

  • 📍 Plot and view visited cities on a map
  • ✈️ Trace and view your flight paths
  • 📆 Access an organized list of travels, categorized by countries and years
  • 🔄 Seamlessly switch between Cities Map and Flights Map views
  • 🛡 Keep all your precious data self-hosted and secure

🎥 Demo Mode

Check out the latest version demo here.

Quick Local Try-Out:

  1. Generate a local build:
    yarn build:demo
  2. Launch dist/index.html in your browser.

🚀 Getting Started

1. Fill Database With Your Travel Data

NOTE: A basic understanding of relational databases is needed.

Utilize your preferred tool to populate the SQLite database db.sqlite3. The table sequence is: continent, country, city, trip.

Database Schema

2. Sync with Flightradar Profile

Our app leverages for flight data. If you're not on it yet, sign up and complete your profile.

3. Personalize Your Configuration

Adjust the config.js with your details:

Key Description
siteTitle The title for the browser tab
title Your name
googleMapApiKey Google Map API Key
flightradarUsername Your username on

4. Set Up the App

  • Install Dependencies

    yarn install
  • Build the App

    yarn build

5. Dive In!

After building, just open the index.html inside the dist folder.

🛠 Technologies Used

  • JavaScript - Our primary development language.
  • Node.js - For script execution.
  • SQLite - Data storage solution.
  • Webpack - Frontend code bundling.
  • Yarn - Dependency management.
  • ESLint - Ensuring consistent code style.
  • Jest - Unit testing.

📜 License

Licensed under the MIT License.