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trubblegum edited this page Mar 27, 2012 · 7 revisions

Copy Gspot.lua into your project directory, and include the module in the usual way : gui = require('Gspot')

Gspot.lua returns an instance with a constructor. To create more instances use mainmenu = gui()

The following is a basic main.lua for use with LÖVE :

gui = require('Gspot')

love.load = function()
  local button = gui:button('Hello', {128, 128, 128, 16}) = function(this) print('Hello!') end
love.update = function(dt)
love.draw = function()

love.keypressed = function(key, code)
  gui:keypress(key, code)
love.mousepressed = function(x, y, button)
  gui:mousepress(x, y, button)
love.mousereleased = function(x, y, button)
  gui:mouserelease(x, y, button)

The basic convention for constructing an element is :

Gspot:element(string label, nil or table or Gspot.pos pos, nil or Gspot.element parent)
Some element constructors accept an additional parameter, as follows.
Gspot:element(string label, nil or table or Gspot.pos pos, nil or Gspot.element parent, variable value)
The following exceptions adhere to convention, but accept different types as their 4rd (6th) parameter.
image and imgbutton elements, which are constructed as follows.
Gspot:element(string label, nil or table or Gspot.pos pos, nil or Gspot.element parent, string path or love.image img)
scrollbar elements, which are constructed as follows.
Gspot:element(string label, nil or table or Gspot.pos pos, nil or Gspot.element parent, nil or table or Gspot.scrollvalues values)

See Elements for a complete list of predefined element constructors.