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ChAT Project


These are the analysis files used in the following publication:

  • Taylor R Fore et al. "Acetylcholine modulates cerebellar granule cell spiking by regulating the balance of synaptic excitation and inhibition" Journal of Neuroscience 1 April 2020, DOI:

How to Use


  • R language: R (R >= 3.2.0)
  • R package: matools
  • R package: googlesheets4 (required if running the scripts as CRON jobs)
  • R package: utils (core package - required if running the scripts as CRON jobs)
  • RStudio: RStudio (IDE for interactive analysis)

Running Workflows

  1. The workflow scripts in the repository are fully automated and expect the directory structure as follows:
├── analysis_scripts
│   ├── evoked_ap_analysis.R
│   └── evoked_psp_analysis.R
├── data
│   ├── cell_attached_grc_evoked_ap
│   │   ├── chat_evoked_ap_parameters.csv
│   │   └── data
│   │       ├── rec000000.ASC
│   │       ├── rec000000.txt
│   │       ...
│   │       ├── rec00000x.ASC
│   │       └── rec00000x.txt
│   └── evoked_psp
│       ├── chat_evoked_psp_parameters.csv
│       └── data
│           ├── rec000000.ASC
│           ...
│           └── rec00000x.ASC
  1. Clone the repository and change into the analysis_scripts directory
$ git clone
$ cd chat-project
  1. Run the scripts. PDF figures are placed within the parent directory, chat-project.
# Evoked Granule Cell Action Potential Analysis
Rscript analysis_scripts/evoked_ap_analysis.R

# Evoked Post-Synaptic Potential Analysis
Rscript analysis_scripts/evoked_psp_analysis.R
  1. Alternatively, interactively run these scripts within RStudio.

Running Workflows as CRON jobs

  1. Modify a workflow by changing the following:
# Project Data Processing ----
# Local data files
data_path <- paste(getwd(), "data/evoked_psp", sep = "/")
data_folder <- paste(data_path, "data", sep = "/")

# Option 1: Using local parameter sheet
data_parameters <- paste(data_path, "chat_evoked_psp_parameters.csv", sep = "/")

# Option 2: Using publicly shared Google Sheet
public_sheet <- ""
data_parameters <-

# Import the parameters
  1. Create a cron job
# crontab file
# run daily at midnight
0 0 * * * cd /home/chat-project/analysis_scripts; Rscript evoked_ap_analysis.R >/dev/null 2>&1
# run daily at 12:30 am
30 0 * * * cd /home/chat-project/analysis_scripts; Rscript evoked_psp_analysis.R >/dev/null 2>&1



R packages