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  npm install or yarn


You can find a jsDoc describing all commands and parameters of the client at

Example usage

NodeJS or bundling systems

npm install transifex-js-client or yarn add transifex-js-client # not yet applicable

And then inside your file you could do:

const TransifexApi = require('transifex-js-client');
const txApi = TransifexApi({
  username: 'tx_username',
  password: 'tx_password',
txApi.projects().then((data) => console.log(


To include transifex-js-client in a browser build you should use the transifex-api.min.js file found in the dist folder. You should also provide a promise polyfill if you plan on supporting older browsers.

var txApi = TransifexApi({
  username: 'tx_username',
  password: 'tx_password',
txApi.projects().then(function(data) { console.log(; })


Command Arguments
projects -
projectCreate form
project project_slug
projectUpdate project_slug, form
projectDelete project_slug
languages project_slug
languageCreate project_slug, form
language project_slug, language_code
languageUpdate project_slug, language_code, form
languageDelete project_slug, language_code
languagesInfo -
languageInfo language_code
resources project_slug
resourceCreate project_slug, form
resource project_slug, resource_slug
resourceFile project_slug, resource_slug
resourceDetailsUpdate project_slug, resource_slug, form
resourceSourceStringsUpdate project_slug, resource_slug, form
resourceDelete project_slug, resource_slug
resourceString project_slug, resource_slug, hash
resourceStringUpdate project_slug, resource_slug, hash, form
translation project_slug, resource_slug, language_code
translationFile project_slug, resource_slug, language_code
translationUpdate project_slug, resource_slug, language_code, form
translationStrings project_slug, resource_slug, language_code
translationString project_slug, resource_slug, language_code, hash
translationStringUpdate project_slug, resource_slug, language_code, hash
stat project_slug, resource_slug, language_code
stats project_slug, resource_slug

Running tests

In order to run the tests (which run through Karma) you need to expose credentials as environment variables. We do that with direnv. Create an .envrc containing:

export username=tx_username
export password=tx_password
export tx_host=|http://tx.loc:8000

And then

direnv allow
npm test or yarn test