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Luke Biery edited this page Jun 4, 2019 · 4 revisions


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All the paths given in this page are relative to /home/ethsec/workshops/Automated Smart Contracts Audit - TruffleCon 2018/manticore in eth-security-toolbox.

Targeted contract

We will test the following contract exercises/overflow.sol:

pragma solidity >=0.4.24 <0.6.0;

contract Overflow {
    uint public sellerBalance=0;

    function add(uint value) public returns (bool){
        sellerBalance += value; // complicated math, possible overflow

Exercise to solve

Exercise corresponds to automatically find a vulnerability with a Manticore script. Once the vulnerability is found, Manticore can be applied to a fixed version of the contract, to demonstrate that the bug is effectively fixed.

Use Manticore to find if an overflow is possible in Overflow.add. Propose a fix of the contract, and test your fix using your Manticore script.

Proposed scenario

The solution will be based on the proposed scenario, but other solutions are possible.

Proposed scenario:

  • Generate one user account
  • Generate the contract account
  • Call two times add with two symbolic values
  • Call sellerBalance()
  • Check if it is possible for the value returned by sellerBalance() to be lower than the first input.


Recall from Getting Throwing Path that the value returned by the last transaction can be accessed through:


Recall from Adding Constraints, return_data needs to be concatened:

last_return = Operators.CONCAT(256, *last_return)

Recall from Adding Constraints, to add a constraint a > b on two unsigned integers use:

state.constrain(Operators.UGT(a, b))


This solution can be found in /exercises/ or click here

from manticore.ethereum import ManticoreEVM
from manticore.core.smtlib import Operators
from manticore.core.smtlib.solver import Z3Solver

solver = Z3Solver.instance()

m = ManticoreEVM()  # initiate the blockchain
with open("overflow.sol") as f:
    source_code =

# Generate the accounts
user_account = m.create_account(balance=1000)
contract_account = m.solidity_create_contract(
    source_code, owner=user_account, balance=0

# First add won't overflow uint256 representation
value_0 = m.make_symbolic_value()
contract_account.add(value_0, caller=user_account)
# Potential overflow
value_1 = m.make_symbolic_value()
contract_account.add(value_1, caller=user_account)

for state in m.ready_states:
    # Check if input0 > sellerBalance

    # last_return is the data returned
    last_return = state.platform.transactions[-1].return_data
    # retrieve last_return and input0 in a similar format
    last_return = Operators.CONCAT(256, *last_return)

    state.constrain(Operators.UGT(value_0, last_return))

    if solver.check(state.constraints):
        print("Overflow found! see {}".format(m.workspace))
        m.generate_testcase(state, "OverflowFound")