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OpenNIC redirect

Previously named: OpenNIC (enabled) omnibox

Prevent Chrome from searching the OpenNIC url you just entered. This is because Chrome doesn't (want to) recognize OpenNIC TLDs.



TODO, Pending review on Google Play store

How it works

Every time the user types in a OpenNIC domain without http:// or a path eg. /index.html, Chrome interprets that as a search query.

It will use the default search engine listed under chrome://settings/searchEngines. We intercept the search query url before it loads eg. we get

We then extract the query, and check if it's an OpenNIC URL. If it is, we redirect the browser to it using the webRequest API.


The giant infobar "Did you mean to go to http://opennic.oss/" can't be dismissed by the extension.

You need to use one of the 5 default search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo and Ecosia). Others can be added, but I'm too lazy to do so if there is no demand.

Developer notes

  • browser-polyfill.js is copied from webextension-polyfill with the command cp node_modules/webextension-polyfill/dist/browser-polyfill.js .
  • To see the console when debugging with web-ext run, go to about:debugging > This Firefox > OpenNIC redirect > Inspect > Console.